Hey all,

I have a client who has some terrible limitations in his ability to externally rotate his arms. He is unable to peform vertical pressing movements for this reason. Also, when attempting to squat his shoulders are so severely limited that he can’t reach back and grab the bar. Alternatively I have him peform fronts squats, etc, but that isn’t my issue here.

My question is do you believe that ART can be of help? If so, where can I find some information that I could give him? I’ve read some stuff on the net, but there is little information about what ART really does. He’s an educated guy and would appreciate some quality info.

Anyone know of any good articles/sites?

Here’s the site for the guy I go to.

It tells alittle about what they do and has a few links.

I think that there is a very good chance that it will help him. Here is a link to the ART site.

Thanks for the sites. I’ll send some info along to my client.