I have a problem with my sciatic nerve that’s been there for a few years. I’ve been in touch with Dr. Leahy, and he think he can help. However, my “top notch” insurance won’t cover any of the cost. So, before I shell out the cash, I was curious as to anybody else’s experience with Active Release, good or bad. Thanks!

ART isn’t very expensive, at least not at my local practitioners, I’m sure the man himself isn’t cheap. Of the two guys I’ve seen, both charged $75 for the first visit, $50 each visit thereafter. And for any problem I’ve had, it has never taken more than three or four sessions. Hell, when I had a problem in both arms, my guy did them both at once, for the price of one. My reasoning is that most practitioners that are forward-thinking enough to learn ART probably won’t rip you off.

ART IS the 8th wonder of the world. I have had ART for rotator cuff problems and plantar fasciitis (sp.?). My wife has had art for Carpal tunnel syndrome. My 2 problems were resolved with 6 treatments. My wifes problems were resolved with 6 treatments. When something works as good as ART, money shouldn’t be an issue ! My benefits don’t cover ART treatments either, so I had to fork out the cash out of my own pocket…WELL WORTH IT !!

I agree that ART is the 8th wonder of the world! Three or so years ago I couldn’t lift a cup of coffee with my left arm, due to many many years of training injuries and accumulated scar tissue; in spite of this I was going to the gym, warming up the shoulder, and lifting through the pain, in essence only making things worse. But I would not stop training!

Constant ART has “fixed” me pretty well; I had ART on that shoulder 3x per week for a month, plus exercises to perform each day, and within that month the shoulder was 95% healed/fixed. I continue to receive ART once per month, and probably always will (as long as my savior remains in the area) as she’s slowly working her way through my entire body. Nothing but hard work, but oh so worthwhile. Can’t say enough good about ART. I’d pay for it out of my own pocket if I had to; as it is, my insurance cover 80% once the deductible is covered. I’ve also used ART for minor carpel tunnel syndrome in my hands (this making a living at a computer thing), and my wife utilizes her for some crooked spine issues, and hip flexion situations.

Would anyone be kind enough to tell me where I would be able to find more info on ART? I don’t even know where I would look to find a practitioner – I mean, do chiropractors do this therapy, or doctors, or what? I’m starting to develop shoulder pain, so I figure this would be a good time for me to find out about this stuff. Thanks in advance.

3L-T-Man, If you go to there is a little info, as well as a locator for practitioners. Thanks for the input, everybody! According to one of their “answer” people, it can cost $50-$150 per session. I can afford this, and since I haven’t heard anything bad, I’ll probably call Monday to set up an appointment. Thanks again, everybody!

Go to active T6hey have a phone number and a web listing for providers. Not all providers are listed on the website. If one isn’t close to you call the main office. The number should be listed on the website.
Personally, I’m a chiropractor, and most practioners of ART are also. This probably since DR. Leahy is a chiropractor himself. There are some PT’s, massage therapists, MD’s etc. that do ART.

I am at a large University and I have access to some of the best therapists around. ART/other manipulation/chiropractic are all good, but not a cure all. The get you through the sort term (very important) and can get you back in the gym pretty quick. Most chronic problems end up being more that one closely related problems, and it is usually a long road to get out of the injury shit house. I say get good help for a couple of sessions, do some real injury free training and work those little muscles, and then go back for finishin about 4-6 months later. You might want to repeat every 6 months or so. Good luck.