“I think one of the most important things is that we have strict and tight controls,” the former Mr. Olympia said at his first news conference as governor. “We in bodybuilding have been having this for years now, for the last 15 years. We’re testing the athletes to make sure they are not taking drugs.”
Zeb hit the nail on the head. Although I like some of Arnold’s movies and his dry sense of humor to think that he is going to help restore liberty is a fool’s dream. He is one of them.
Ur ignorant if u honestly beleive WE are there for the “good” of the people. This is biggest joke (besides U) in the last 4 presidency(s). The US has now become one of the most hated/laughed at nations in the world thanks to an illegally elected fuckup. Things damn sure aren’t going to good 4 him in Britain right now are they?
Piss OFF!!!
NvrEnuff is that what your parents named you afte the jimmy cap broke and they decided to have another moronic kid. “Well Hon, I thought we had enough dumb blokes” “Nope, its NvrEnuff”…you fucking muppet.
What the boys here are trying to say is that there are many other threads more suitable for them to call you names and for you to insult their country.
There are things you say and do in public and things you do in private. Unlike most people the difference between the two isn’t much for me but I haven’t been arrested for indecent exposure.
Arnold is doing what it takes to get the job. Did he juice, smoke a bunch of dope, fuck a bunch of women and grope a bunch more? Hell yes he did. Did he do a masterful job of dealing with that during the election? Another hell yes.
Like Slick Willie, we all pretty well know what he was like when he was younger. I don’t think Arnold will be juicing while in office (he said he’d have no time for making any movies), or fucking the secretary, or rolling up any joints.
I think it’s appropriate to add “nudge, nudge, wink, wink” to any quotes he makes about drugs, women, or a lot of other manly persuits while engaged in playing the political game.
The award for the best post on this thread is a toss up between Merlin and SteelyEyes. They both bring some thought provoking truth to the board.
The award for the most ignorant and off base rant goes to Nvr. However, I will refrain, on this thread, from countering as it would be inappropriate to do so. I do invite him to post his thoughts in the “off Topic” board where I will be more than happy to expose his faulty thought process, and perhaps get him back on the road to clear thinking. And I will do it for free!