Arnold for Governor..

I’m surprised no-one else has posted about this already.

I saw on TV this morning that Arnold has announced that he’s running for Governor of California.

Surely this will have an impact on his film output…??

I saw a clip of him on Jay Leno and it looked a bit corny as Jay was congratulating him…

Comments from anyone…

California is so screwed up it just might work. Remember that this is the state that wants to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. California has one of the largest economies in the world yet they also have a deficit bigger than the budget of 48 of the 50 states. someone has to do something. and it sure as hell isnt going to be some liberal who wants to keep spending.

I did post something last night but it didn’t go through.

[Note from Mod: Yes, it did.]

I am not sure it’s a good idea, its a thankless job. His buddy Jesses Ventura told him not to go into politics. Plus they are going to dig up any kind of dirt they can on him.

How long until that clip of him getting high from Pumping Iron is all over the place?

Yeah, but ya gotta remember, twistedsteel, he “didn’t inhale”.

Oh yeah, wrong guy…

I think it’s bad timing for Arnie to do the inevitable, given the current state of California.

He’d be undertaking the ultimate challenge and could be setting himself up for a huge failure in his first political position.

Then again, if he pulls it off and helps to get the state back on it’s feet, he’d be the big hero…

Remember that Arnold has done a bunch of things in his life that people said he couldnt do. I wouldnt put anything past him. Arnold is the american dream even if he is from austria.

I already posted this in Fitone’s string but I’ll say it here too.

Arnold needs to have some sort of stance on the immense problems California has. We don’t need a celebrity figurehead right now, we need someone who can work toward fixing our deficit and economy in general.

Has he gone public with his solution for all the illegal immigrants in this state? Just wondering.

I believe Minnesota was in a position where they could enjoy a govenor like Jesse the Body. I’m not so sure California is in the same position. I mean hell, the current Govenor is being outsted!

More people moved OUT of this state last year than what moved in. That doesn’t include the non taxpaying illegal immigrants though. California is in some serious trouble, even though I dig Arnold, I don’t think he would be a good choice for Govenor especially when times are as tough as they are.

Whats going to happen to the Arnold Classic next year? See, yet another reason he shouldn’t have thrown his hat in the ring.

Arnold has a pretty high IQ. So he could be better than most politicians. I also see him as more honest than your regular lifetime politician. Junt my $0.02

Along with what Brad has said, what could Arnold (or anyone) really do concerning the deficit?

From what I gather quite a bit of it is due to costs incurred for anti-terror operations, police overtime etc… matters that couldn’t have been budgeted for ahead of time.

Arnold is a smart businessman but I hope he has leather skin for the shit thats gonna be thrown at him.

Ok, i’m from minnesota, and was/is quite active in political circles.

Jesse basically won the vote here because of a few things.

  1. He played to the moderate side for the most part, and certainly played the role of not being for the special interests. He also made it seem that he could take a stance on tough issues (which was and wasn’t the case in real life).

  2. He came into a race which basically had a dead heat between the 2 main parties, and due to his excellent playing of the outsider role, was able to sneak votes away from both of them, plus suck up a lot of the typical non voters.

Now, arnold does have the potential for both of those groupings. Being an already rich bloke, he can avoid special interests and say/do what he feels like.
The only question will be if he can “stomach” standing by his position. That was what jesse really had trouble doing, and something that really needs to be done in california.

I will say though that jesse did manage to stand by his gut on some very important things, and it was about the first time a politician (since reagan) had ever done it. Jesse actually told the state university system NO with their annual massive budgetary increases. Nobody had ever done that before, not a repub, not a dem, nobody.
Now I will also say he folded on several vital issues, such as the gun topic (he ignored that one).

All in all, I think someone like arnold could pull it off. Only if he really sticks to his guns though and doesn’t fold when people start protesting him and so on.

Sorry Fitone, didn’t realise you’d posted about this subject, I checked beforehand but perhaps it hadn’t appeared…

Surely everything that could’ve been dug up has been, what with him being a huge Hollywood star…

BradTGF - I wondered about that too. He has a number of commitments, how can he give all the attention they need. In particular being Governor…


Is it true Arnold could never be President because he was not born in America?

Vote for me if you want to live!

The recall laws are way screwed up here. In most other states that have them, the gov has to actually have done something specific wrong – not just be a lame-ass – to face recall. If being a lame-ass is cause for recall we should have recalled every damn one of them. I’m no Davis fan, and he’s as bland as tapioca, but didn’t we just HAVE an election that put the mofo back in office?

That said, I think that Arnold just wants the title (like so many he’s had before), not the job. With all the entrants on the the same ballot, it’s like another bodybuilding show. Reagan was at least president of SAG, which is a pretty political organization. If we’re going to boot Davis, we need someone who’s clearly better – a heavyweight. This is one competition in which Arnold isn’t a heavyweight.

And no, he can’t ever be president.

Why is it assumed that it is liberal that spend? We have Reagan and Bush in power, the deficit skyrockets to levels unheard of, and the debt ridiculous. Then, the clinton years. granted the president doesnt entirely control economy, but he has a say in the direction the country will go, and also on consumer confidence. The debt would have been eliminated in 2007.
Enter Bush Jr. first thing he does is a tax cut that NOONE wanted. NOONE. Liberals and conservatives fought it. But he still passed it.
and is now dragging the country through a war that is costing billions a month to maintain. found those weapons? no.
but look at our defict and ballooning debt. . . it dwarfs even his father’s accumulated debt. and he still passes tax cuts.
Now that is liberal spending.

It’s true–Arnold cannot be president because he was not born here.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

Schwarzenegger describes himself as a fiscal conservative, but he supports abortion rights, “reasonable” gun control, gay rights and immigrant rights: positions that appeal to a larger range of voters.

He hardly sounds like a Republican; actually, he sounds like what California needs: a fiscal conservative who is not tethered to the religious right. So a question: if he weren’t “Arnold,” would those of you who support him still do so?

Budget Deficit for Reagans last year in office 1988-14.6%

Budget Deficit for Bush’s first year after Reagan 1989-13.3%

Budget Deficit for Clinton in 1993-22.2%

the deficit in reagans administration intially went up but dropped the last four years of his administration. Some say this is due to the increased revenue from the effect of lowered taxes on the economy. Clinton continued to tax and spend.

Dan C,

“Is it true Arnold could never be President because he was not born in America?”


I understand Gary Coleman is running, too. You guy’s are in for a treat.