I was in Arizona Mills Mall yesterday, cruisin around with some buddies. There was an arm wrestling tournament that I entered into for 10 bucks. Supposedly you get ranked for being in it. Well, long story short, I got two silver’s, left and right hand respectively. It was the first time I did a tourny, my arms are sore as hell, shoulders especially! Any one else arm wrestle in tournaments or for fun?
I actually would like to start doing this more often. The head guys over there said I had a weakness in my wrists, compared to the rest of my body. I was by far stronger than the guy I beat, lifting and running wise, but in arm wrestling there is a lot of techniques involved that I want to learn.
I’m gonna throw in a lot of farmers walks, pinch grips, and practice arm wrestlin too! Anyone have any tips or experiences?
I arm wrestle for fun all the time, it really surprises people to get whooped by a guy my size. Remember the trick is to pull in to your shoulder right away.
It’s a heck of alot of fun, but when you are just doing it for fun most people think you are trying to prove something.
bend your wrist to decrease the lever arm, It’s all physics and balls. A kind smile and firm handshake before the match helps too, it freaks out the other guy.
I had to skip my heavy bench day because my whole upper body is killing me. Neck, biceps, forearms, chest and shoulder’s, all from wrestlin’ with the arms! Awesome!
I don’t see how having short arms would help though. If your arms are longer, wouldn’t you be able to go “over the top” easier?