Wondering if anyone can help point me to something that might explain this. I’ve been on HCG Mono for about a year now for secondary hypdogonadism while trying to start a family. Current treatment is 540iu HCG EOD subQ. For about 8 months I took .25mg arimidex EOD. I’ve felt pretty good, but have had memory issues so I figured I’d try tweaking arimidex dosages to play with one of the variables. Eliminating the arimidex didn’t have much affect on my labs. Sensitive E2 was around 40 w/o adex and 36 with. TT remained around 500-600.
So then I tried going the other way by doubling my adex dose to .5mg every other day for about 6 weeks. I felt much lower anxiety at the higher adex dose and was expecting good lab #'s back. Labs came back with E2 at 19, but TT at 330. Went back to .25mg and E2 was back to 38 with TT of 550. Then I increased my adex dose to .5 again for 6 weeks…and same lab results – lowered E2 AND lowered TT (300).
So everything I’ve read would lead me to believe the opposite should occur in relationship to E2 and TT. Can anyone give me some points to research that might help explain when I’m seeing a decrease in TT on the higher dose of adex?