Hello, I’m new here. So I’ve been seeing a urologist for 5 months now. I always knew something was off, from getting fat really easily, depression and low energy, ED, severe brain fog, physical recovery was very slow, had to take a 1-2 hr nap for extreme lethargy every single day, insomnia lasting sometimes up to 5 days straight even after gym and martial arts 1-2x a day, etc so I had my GP get my test checked in a routine physical in dec. My test came out in the 420s. In Jan I started working with a urologist, after she took my test and it was in the low /mid 400s, and my E2 was 55.
30 years old
Did 1 6 week cycle of Test - E at 22, and 1 cycle of a designer AAS 6 weeks oral about a year later, but I always used liver protectants and the necessary supplements for on cycle. and took nolvadex for PCT.
She put me on 1 mg arimidex ED, and after 2 months my T went up to 619 (reference range 250-827 ng/dl), and E2 down to 40. I then started losing hair, for one reason or another, and for a month she put me on 1 mg arimidex EOD. I started feeling super crappy again, depressed, gaining weight, low energy. no morning wood. My hair loss was unaffected by the arimidex, so she went back and put me on 1mg ED.
2 months later, now, my test is in the mid 600s (forgot the exact number she said) and my E2 is back to 55. She said she is no longer comfortable treating me without the assistance of an endocrinologist, so now that’s where we’re at. I am scheduled to have a liver test and am waiting for my endocrinologist appointment towards the end of July.
Now, she has me on Clomid (discontinued the arimidex because she said you cant stay on it for long), 50 mg EOD. This is my 4th day not being on arimidex and I feel awful. When i was on arimidex 1mg ed I finally feel OK, when my dose was changed to EOD I felt bad, no morning wood, brain fogginess, depressed. Now on Clomid I feel like
Any thoughts on what could be wrong with me? Sorry if it seems like incoherent ramble, it’s the brain fog. Just need some food for thought while I wait for my endo. The urologist mentioned a while ago she wants an MRI of my brain to see if i have a pituitary tumor.