I was thinking about losing a mere 5 lbs of pure fat before my AAS cycle sometime in June. It should be easy, and I was wondering if I should just do a straight up velocity diet with HOT-ROX, but the velocity diet is suppose to be for 4 weeks, and, I may be mistaken, but I don’t think it will take more than two or three weeks if I combine Arimidex .25MG ED and HOT-ROX along with daily cardio and a lower calorie \ carb intake.
On a sidenote, would cardio at night be fruitless, or should morning cardio on an empty stomach be best. Also, will I need a taper after two weeks of Arimidex .25mg ED. It seems like a light dosage, but most people seems to use it EOD, but that is solely to minimize gyno and bloat. I think .25mg ED will be more geared to substantially lowering my E levels.
I know 3-5 lbs of fat loss is a very little, but quite honestly, I never have cut before. I really don’t know how I would react to it. I am at about 15-16% bodyfat and would like to be down to 13-14% before I begin. I would just be lean enough, in my opinion, to enjoy my physique better. I would cut 6 weeks after my cycle regardless, but would like to take precautionary measures just incase I gain a bit more fat than intended.
[quote]Thewannabe wrote:
I was thinking about losing a mere 5 lbs of pure fat before my AAS cycle sometime in June. It should be easy, and I was wondering if I should just do a straight up velocity diet with HOT-ROX, but the velocity diet is suppose to be for 4 weeks, and, I may be mistaken, but I don’t think it will take more than two or three weeks if I combine Arimidex .25MG ED and HOT-ROX along with daily cardio and a lower calorie \ carb intake.
If you have never cut before why are you thinking of adding in drugs before you really even know how you will react to a natural cut. Plus I don’t think adex will help that much. Lower your calories and carbs and stick to the AM cardio. You should be able to lose 5 lbs in 4 week easy.
[quote]cadav wrote:
Thewannabe wrote:
I was thinking about losing a mere 5 lbs of pure fat before my AAS cycle sometime in June. It should be easy, and I was wondering if I should just do a straight up velocity diet with HOT-ROX, but the velocity diet is suppose to be for 4 weeks, and, I may be mistaken, but I don’t think it will take more than two or three weeks if I combine Arimidex .25MG ED and HOT-ROX along with daily cardio and a lower calorie \ carb intake.
Why Adex should help you ripping?
Because Adex will inhibit the production of estrogen, and estrogen is … wow nevermind. I feel like an idiot now. I did not know estrogen stimulated metabolism. I was under the impression estrogen was the cause of fat gain, as well as insulin with fats and carbs. Must of been the way it was worded in the book. Sorry :|. Nevermind.
(Just glanced at wikipedia for the estrogen overview)
“In the context of the average healthy male, the amount of estrogen produced is generally not very significant to one’s body disposition, and may even be beneficial in terms of cholesterol values. However, in larger amounts it does have potential to cause many unwanted effects including water retention, female breast tissue development (gynecomastia), and body fat accumulation. For these reasons, many focus on minimizing the build-up or activity of estrogen in the body with aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex and Cytadren, or anti-estrogens such as Clomid or Nolvadex, particularly at times when gynecomastia is a worry or the athlete is attempting to increase muscle definition.”
Wiki (which isn’t the most reliable source in the world) is conflicting with what William Llewellyn is saying in his book. Wikipedia says it promotes an increase in metabolism, thus should make the ability to gain fat harder, but possible. Llewellyn, on the other hand, is saying it will increase the tendency to cause body fat accumulation. Unless my understanding of metabolism and accumulation of body fat is off, don’t those usually go hand in hand. Of course you could have a high metabolism and gain fat, but it would be harder if you didn’t. However, if you lower your metabolism, losing fat will become harder. Is this a double edged sword or am I royally confused?
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Thewannabe wrote:
cadav wrote:
Thewannabe wrote:
I was thinking about losing a mere 5 lbs of pure fat before my AAS cycle sometime in June. It should be easy, and I was wondering if I should just do a straight up velocity diet with HOT-ROX, but the velocity diet is suppose to be for 4 weeks, and, I may be mistaken, but I don’t think it will take more than two or three weeks if I combine Arimidex .25MG ED and HOT-ROX along with daily cardio and a lower calorie \ carb intake.
Why Adex should help you ripping?
Because Adex will inhibit the production of estrogen, and estrogen is … wow nevermind. I feel like an idiot now. I did not know estrogen stimulated metabolism. I was under the impression estrogen was the cause of fat gain, as well as insulin with fats and carbs. Must of been the way it was worded in the book. Sorry :|. Nevermind.
(Just glanced at wikipedia for the estrogen overview)
I seriously hope you’re not being sarcastic here.
No, no I’m not. I was beginning to explain myself and was glancing at wikipedia for backup and a link, but I stopped in the tracks of my own words.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I think he’s talking about controlling E whilst on cycle.
He says “In the context of the average healthy male, the amount of estrogen produced is generally not very significant to one’s body disposition.”
Are you not the average healthy male?
I understand that context, but wouldn’t it also be at least slightly beneficial assuming one is not on cycle. It would decrease any fat storage capabilities while trying to cut. Although, I do not think it stimulates fat burning abilities, which is why I am using the HOT-ROX.
I was searching the forums and I am mistaken by Arimidex for fat loss. I should of said an anti-e instead of an AI. I am instead going to try Nolvadex for 12 days @ 25mg ED. Would this be wise to lose a few pounds of fat? I saw supporting test “cycles” of this.
unless your using AAS i think you won’t get much benefit from trying to lower your estrogen levels.
You would only need to use it for fat loss when your levels are high from using testosterone.
Just watch your cal intake and do some cardio and you should drop the same amount of fat you would with or with out the Arimidex.