Are You An NRA Member?

Oh, I like it too. I’m glad the Incorporation Doctrine is there. But be advised, that it is a “liberal” creation, not an originalist or “conservative” one.

We’ll just have to agree to disagree on that one since we’ve had this conversation what 5x now, lol…

FTR, I don’t really care how it’s labeled. If it’s a good idea it’s a good idea.

I was… I didn’t renew. I just didn’t get anything but a sticker and a card out of it. So is that a yes? At one point I was.
However, if I am going to join another gun organization, I will join a local one.

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The real one. As in the way the courts have rules and the way it is clearly read. In other words the NRAs position on it

That is true. One of the few expanded interpretations of the Constitution that I agree with

Definitely like American RIfleman magazine.

I agree with many here that the NRA is not an ideal organization and sometimes compromises too much. The local gun groups are good and usually much better at staying on task. The NRA is the big boy. I still send them yearly dues and occasionally donate to the NRA-ILA.

I’d feel sorry for the Marines; they haven’t met my wife.


I read the 2nd. like the most stringent of gun rights advocates. It flat out states that the people have the right to keep and bear arms. That infringement means not just flat out banning, but restricting/encroaching upon the ability to obtain them. And, that target shooting, home defense, and hunting are NOT why it was considered urgent to recognize an inherent right to arms. No, it is important to recognize this right because sometimes enemy soldiers need killing. Meaning, these would necessarily be arms found on a battlefield. I absolutely agree with their reading

However, I also feel it needs amending to identify and restrict this right for various weapons (an easy one, a suitcase nuke collection), while recognizing that being ‘military grade’ weaponry can not be used to outright ban all such arms (the 2nd is for killing combatants, again). Further, amended to clearly allow for the identification of the criminal (mostly violent), non-citizen, and mentally disturbed. Not stopping there, it would be illegal to sell to these folks, and illegal for these folks to attempt to purchase. With reporting of any such attempts as mandatory.

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lol… mine too. Even if they quartered up, they’d leave voluntarily inside 3 days…

I’m indifferent about the NRA. I think they are wrong often times. But the more blind hatred they get from the Parkland survivors that the media fawn over, the more I want to go buy a semi-auto gun, or at least donate to the NRA.

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Consider it, if nothing else you get a great magazine out of it. And the NRA is its member’s. It has never been controlled by corporate sponsors or a few billionaires. Its political power does not come from its small donations to politicians. Its power comes from it 5 million plus members who tend to be dedicated. We mobilize far more than 5 million votes. And right now the next few years we are going to need those votes