Are Veggies Really Essential?


now while i might get flamed for this, i was on jay cutler’s website and he has a diet posted and what struck me was that he does not eat any vegetables or fruit. also, of the things i’ve read about arnold, during his hey-day he piled on the meat and eggs but you dont see any vegis on his plate in that scene of pumping iron.

so, if you eat brown rice or something for fiber, are vegetables really that essential? (given that you are getting fiber from another source)

i’m wondering if the push to pile on vegis to even out one’s acid/alkaline profile, etc is just a fad-- and in time maybe the people who do this really arent that much healthier.

just an idea, yeah it might be dumb but whatever

Suck it up and eat the green stuff.

Life isn’t about better living through fiber supplements.

Thats not what i meant-- and i do eat get enough greens. My point was that the big name body builders don’t do it, and was looking for comments on that fact.

I just mentioned fiber to say in effect “if you are shitting ok, are they essential”

Essential to what? It depends.

Can you get jacked without eating a plethora of veggies? Yes.

Is it healthy to not get enough? No.

You don’t need the veggies to get big and strong.

But if you want to have a long healthy life, you should eat the veggies really no need not too.

How do you think popeye got so big?? He ate his GREEN spinache, follow him and HYOOGENESS will follow you!

Honestly, its hard as a bitch to get plenty of good veggies from a college cafeteria so I dont get as much as I should.

I do, however, notice when I’m home and doing my own shopping and eaitng 2-4+ servings of fiberous veggies I do seem to feel better and be slightly leaner.

here’s a tangent- what’s a “good amount” of greens? everywhere it says eat as much as you can, but what is a daily pretty-good amount?

I try to eat 1 bag of veggies a day, sometimes 2. Its an easy amount to eat spread over 6 meals and it provides all the fiber you could ever want when used it conjunction with Flax seed in your shakes.

I think when you need to eat 8,000 cals a day (Jay Cutler for example) its tough to justify eating 50 cals worth of veggies, when the same amount of high fat beef is 300 cals and then some.

I quickly learnt that por body builders play by a different set of rules…their “special” supplements allow them to do all kinds of cool stuff use mere mortals can’t do.

I’m lacking greens right now and I really fell it.

I have hardly eaten any veg in my life, my parents tried all sorts of things to get me to eat them as a child, making veggie sanwiches, giving me a slap, punishment rewards etc etc…

nothing worked I hated all veg (apart from fried chipped potatoes of course) from day one

Today as a 32 year old adult I understand the impotance of a good diet, do I eat greens?

No I do not, I also eat very little fruit in fact possibly one piece a month, I still cannot stand the smell of veg, eating Brocoli or cauliflower or even smelling it makes me feel ill, I am fairly fit and healthy I have regular health check ups and bloodwork done and I have no major problems with my bowels.

So you can live a healthy normal life without them and you can still lift weights and get big too.

But you should eat as much fruit and veg as poss.

Veggies and fruit are more than just fiber. They contain nutrients not found in meat and rice. More important to me, however, is veggies and fruit taste good and make eating way more interesting than just meat and rice for every meal.

You can get over food aversions learned when young. One of my earliest memories, not just of food, but of all memories, is an episode of gagging on my grandmother’s over cooked spinach. I still don’t love spinach, but quickly sauted in bacon grease with shallots and cayenne pepper it’s pretty damn good. Learn to cook. It helps makes life and eating more interesting.

I eat them, but refuse to call them “veggies”.

I think my health teacher once said like 4-8 servings a day.

are you on cutler’s supplement regime, that is to say at least a couple grams of androgens, loads of hGH, insulin, IGF1, and whatever else?

if not forget about any diet or workout that applies to him, because it will certainly not apply to you.

my recommendation is you trade each of the needles he takes daily for a serving of fruit or vegetables. that will leave you with anywhere from 10-20 servings a day, eat up.

the fiber in fruits and vegetables is superior to the fiber in grain sources. on top of this the micronutrient content is not comparable. you are likely short on some vitamin or mineral if you do not eat enough fruits and veggies.

the real question is not whether it is important as experts say, but whether you care to live long and healthy enough to prove them right.

one certainly would not use pro bodybuilders as an example of healthy lifestyle for children, so then why would one consider it at all?

Not only for the vitamins and fiber are they good, but I feel full for longer amounts of time. When your body knows it has taken it a complete meal,you have less cravings and binge eating. It’s all about balance.

What do you care about? Veggies are not essential for gaining muscle. You will compromise your health by not eating enough. Do you want to be healthy?

Fargin A they are essential! Only fargin iceholes and bastages don’t eat their VEGGIES. Seriously, they are good for overall health especially that power-food broccoli and berries.


[quote]football061 wrote:
I think my health teacher once said like 4-8 servings a day.[/quote]

5 biaoch. Lol. I had a teacher who said it was 5 at least once a day, and he looked like Harold Bishop from Neighbours.

[quote]ubl0 wrote:
are you on cutler’s supplement regime, that is to say at least a couple grams of androgens, loads of hGH, insulin, IGF1, and whatever else?

if not forget about any diet or workout that applies to him, because it will certainly not apply to you.

my recommendation is you trade each of the needles he takes daily for a serving of fruit or vegetables. that will leave you with anywhere from 10-20 servings a day, eat up.

the fiber in fruits and vegetables is superior to the fiber in grain sources. on top of this the micronutrient content is not comparable. you are likely short on some vitamin or mineral if you do not eat enough fruits and veggies.

the real question is not whether it is important as experts say, but whether you care to live long and healthy enough to prove them right.

one certainly would not use pro bodybuilders as an example of healthy lifestyle for children, so then why would one consider it at all?[/quote]

This is a fantastic post, on so many levels. Why anyone sees Jay or Ronnie as a real world role model is beyond me.