Here soon I am going to start a cycle of letro at 2.5mg per week for 12 weeks to raise test levels, as I am wanting to dip my toes in the proverbial steroid pool. If at the end of the 12 weeks all is well and I think that I made noticeable gains from the letro I will probably let my system cool down for a few weeks and then start a real cycle.
My real question is this, I recently found 2 brand spanking new bottles of 11-T that I misplaced and forgot about and I was wondering if any one knew if it would be safe to take together with the letro. If no one knows for sure that there will be any conflicts between the two or not I will probably just stick to the letro to err on the side of caution.
Any comments are appreciated.
It doesn’t make sense to do both at the same time.
11-T does not convert to any estrogenic compound (nor is it itself estrogenic) but almost undoubtedly is at least partially suppressive of testosterone production. This is why use should be of limited duration.
Having reduced natural T, you will have reduced estrogen anyway due to the fact that estradiol is produced from testosterone.
So do the letrozole and 11-T at differing times.
I think you may be expecting too much from a cycle of Letro.
Have you had any blood work done?
Using letro in the manner you plan to is not ‘dipping your toes’. There is a potential to do more harm then good, especially for someone with no experience as to what low estrogen levels feel like. Unless you are planning to get blood tests done on a weekly basis so you can figure out how to adjust your dose.
I don’t know this just seems like a poorly conceived plan.
I think you may be confused as to the purpose of letro and if you do as you have described you will be disappointed. Take the 11-T as recommended follow up with the letro after you have completed your 11-T cycle.
Impressive to have the funds to misplace 2 110 dollar bottles! I’ve been wondering about 11-T as well… pct required? supporting “supplements”?
A big thank you to Bill and every one else, I am starting the 11-T now and will hold of on the letro.
To answer some of the other questions. I have not had any blood work done to see if I have abnormal estrogen levels, so I would assume that my hormone levels are fine. I know that letro is an AI and fixes high estrogen levels in men but study’s also show that in can increase test levels by significant amounts.
I was looking at it less from the point of lowering naturally high estrogen levels and more from the boost in test I would get from it. So am I severely over estimating the test boost from letro I would be getting, and due to its estrogen lowering would it truly be that dangerous to try with out the blood test?
I have been looking at a cycle for a while now, but the thoughts of just diving in to it are putting me off, and I was looking for a way to work my way in to it I guess you could say. Maybe that’s a sign that I am not ready for it yet.
[quote]enigma666 wrote:
A big thank you to Bill and every one else, I am starting the 11-T now and will hold of on the letro.
To answer some of the other questions. I have not had any blood work done to see if I have abnormal estrogen levels, so I would assume that my hormone levels are fine. I know that letro is an AI and fixes high estrogen levels in men but study’s also show that in can increase test levels by significant amounts.
I was looking at it less from the point of lowering naturally high estrogen levels and more from the boost in test I would get from it. So am I severely over estimating the test boost from letro I would be getting, and due to its estrogen lowering would it truly be that dangerous to try with out the blood test?
I have been looking at a cycle for a while now, but the thoughts of just diving in to it are putting me off, and I was looking for a way to work my way in to it I guess you could say. Maybe that’s a sign that I am not ready for it yet.[/quote]
Letro is a little difficult to dose (because of the small amount actually used), and it is quite potent. It can easily wipe your E2 levels out if you take too much. Side effects like “dry” joints aren’t fun.
Also, I don’t know about this, but IIRC if your E2 levels aren’t medium to high, then letro/AIs won’t do as much.
the answer is blood work!
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
It doesn’t make sense to do both at the same time.
11-T does not convert to any estrogenic compound (nor is it itself estrogenic) but almost undoubtedly is at least partially suppressive of testosterone production. This is why use should be of limited duration.
Having reduced natural T, you will have reduced estrogen anyway due to the fact that estradiol is produced from testosterone.
So do the letrozole and 11-T at differing times.[/quote]
What specifically is 11-T ?
If its suppressive to natural test production I assume its an androgen of some kind…
I know we had some threads about this a while back, but I wasn’t that interested in such an expensive and somewhat weak compound, so I didn’t really pay much attention.
But now I’m interested in what it actually is…
Is it anything more than a transdermal androgen ?? Or is it something fancy ?? Just a quick “11-T at a glance” in a few sentences would be much appreciated.
It is 11-ketotestosterone, transdermally delivered. It both has some value in building muscle (not relative to using a good steroid stack, but relative to natural) from some androgenic effect and in reducing fat due to reducing conversion of cortisone to cortisol in adipose tissue.
I assume it is somewhat suppressive to testosterone production. This wasn’t measured.
It is not a testosterone precursor or a prohormone.