Apartment Bans U.S. Flags

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Apparently management cares. And, as long as they’re not requesting something that would require extraordinary measures, I don’t see how management is in the wrong, legally, either. Take it off, and when the lease runs out, move to a flag friendly apartment.

Legally they don’t have the right to legislate what goes on someone’s car. There is no way that there is a legal precedent telling people what decals to put on their car. [/quote]

Agreed. I could potentially see a legal ability to do it if we were talking about the door or walls of the apartment (outside/hallway) because you don’t technically own an apartment yourself even though I think the prohibition would be stupid. You do, however, own your damn car.

It is because this country’s government has become so soft, worried about the sensibilities of others. I am not worried if I offend people personally. This shit would never fly in other countries, honestly, if you fuck around like people do here in other places, they make you pay dearly.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Legally they don’t have the right to legislate what goes on someone’s car. There is no way that there is a legal precedent telling people what decals to put on their car. [/quote]

It’s an exchange. Management has a right to decide who is parking what in their parking lots. So, it’s not about legislating, or having the right to decide what renters can put on their vehicles. It’s about rules the renters will have to abide by in order to use the property.

[quote]timbofirstblood wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Legally they don’t have the right to legislate what goes on someone’s car. There is no way that there is a legal precedent telling people what decals to put on their car.
They can’t legislate anything given that its an apartment management company and not a legislature. However they do have the right to determine what goes on in the parking lot that they own. I would say that there is considerable precedent for such a thing given the amount planned communities nation-wide that have strict rules concerning the maintenance and appearance of residents’ yards and homes.

I’d be pissed about it, especially the way they handled informing residents, and I would consider moving, but I don’t think Oaks Apartments acted outside of its rights.

I do. They cannot legislate tell you what you can and can’t have on your car. There’s simply no way that’s legal. You don’t own the apartment, but you own your car. I would sue the shit out of them.

What? You all thought it would stop with the confederate flag? See how I worked that into this topic? Smooth, eh? Eh?

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
timbofirstblood wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Legally they don’t have the right to legislate what goes on someone’s car. There is no way that there is a legal precedent telling people what decals to put on their car.
They can’t legislate anything given that its an apartment management company and not a legislature. However they do have the right to determine what goes on in the parking lot that they own. I would say that there is considerable precedent for such a thing given the amount planned communities nation-wide that have strict rules concerning the maintenance and appearance of residents’ yards and homes.

I’d be pissed about it, especially the way they handled informing residents, and I would consider moving, but I don’t think Oaks Apartments acted outside of its rights.

I do. They cannot legislate tell you what you can and can’t have on your car. There’s simply no way that’s legal. You don’t own the apartment, but you own your car. I would sue the shit out of them.[/quote]

Don’t they own the parking lot?

Who wants to live in what looks like the starting parking lot for a multiculural parade? Looking like the dang UN parking deck. But, with more rust and duct tape.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Dustin wrote:

A better question is why people get so wrapped up in nationalistic symbols?

What the fuck? Because it’s the flag of their country? [/quote]

Exactly, and I’ll even go with you have to follow the rules of lying the flag. sunrise to sunset, remove a tattered or damaged flag properly etc.

The day some miscreant tries to ban me flying the American flag will be their bad day, not mine.

[quote]timbofirstblood wrote:
They can’t legislate anything given that its an apartment management company and not a legislature. However they do have the right to determine what goes on in the parking lot that they own. I would say that there is considerable precedent for such a thing given the amount planned communities nation-wide that have strict rules concerning the maintenance and appearance of residents’ yards and homes.

I’d be pissed about it, especially the way they handled informing residents, and I would consider moving, but I don’t think Oaks Apartments acted outside of its rights.


FightingIrish…an apartment complex shouldn’t “legislate” guidelines for the outward appearance of their properties (their business and means of income, mind you) BUT the US Congress should legislate that it is entitled to an extra 10% of my income in order to pay for someone else’s health care, under threat of imprisonment?

[quote]pushharder wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Who wants to live in what looks like the starting parking lot for a multiculural parade? Looking like the dang UN parking deck. But, with more rust and duct tape.

Whoa dude. If you want to argue the vantage point of property rights like you did in your previous post, fine. But if you want to argue it from some politically correct “We just don’t want anyone’s feelings hurt” angle then I hereby fart in your face.

[Edit] Token smiley face[/quote]

If it hurts business, it hurts business. Be it someone’s feelings getting hurt, or because the clashing of vibrant flag and decal colors make the apartment complex look low class.

[quote]Stronghold wrote:


FightingIrish…an apartment complex shouldn’t “legislate” guidelines for the outward appearance of their properties (their business and means of income, mind you) BUT the US Congress should legislate that it is entitled to an extra 10% of my income in order to pay for someone else’s health care, under threat of imprisonment?


This right here is one of the few, the very few, Americans who still has his priorities straight. God bless you, sir.

[quote]pushharder wrote:
Sloth wrote:
pushharder wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Who wants to live in what looks like the starting parking lot for a multiculural parade? Looking like the dang UN parking deck. But, with more rust and duct tape.

Whoa dude. If you want to argue the vantage point of property rights like you did in your previous post, fine. But if you want to argue it from some politically correct “We just don’t want anyone’s feelings hurt” angle then I hereby fart in your face.

[Edit] Token smiley face

If it hurts business, it hurts business. Be it someone’s feelings getting hurt, or because the clashing of vibrant flag and decal colors make the apartment complex look low class.

“The clashing of vibrant flag and decal colors…” Really? Really? You’re going to chase this rabbit?[/quote]

I’ve already run down this rabbit and devoured it. Ears and fuzzy little tail, too.

[quote]pushharder wrote:
Would you defend the apartment owner’s hypothetical “No Small Penises” policy? Have to have your dick measured before a rental agreement could be put in place? After all it could “hurt business” if word got out to the single woman market that your apartment complex was a Vienna Sausage fest.[/quote]

A bit vulgar, but ok…Just go to the next apartment complex over. The one mopping up all the business generated by people who don’t want to show their genitals.

Whoa push…aren’t you a fan of ‘open carry’?

Why are you guys so up in arms over this?

If you go to any condo community or apartment complex you will find similar rules. Nobody is allowed to fly any flag as it “devalues” the property. HOAs go nuts over this issue. Whoever owns the property is allowed to call these shots.