Anyone Try Primer 52?

Curious if anyone has tried primer 52 and if so what were your results?

I tried it for several weeks. I found it difficult to adhere to. For me it was too much to keep track of. For me it: dropped some body fat, kept muscle (maybe even gained a little), but lost some strength. I’m in the intermediate strength category of that helps. I would say that if your main goal is body composition then it will be a great program

Love it. Get super focused and get shot loads done on fasting days (do the 32-34 hour whole hog approach) - fast on Mon/Thurs which are work days. High carbs Tues and Friday, following a 4 day PPL rotation split with Sunday athletic/explosive day. High volume on High Carb days, lower volume (drop sets, clusters etc on Moderate carb days) Diet wise have a few beers, wines, some dessert on a Friday/Saturday if I so desire. Train at, 2 serves of Plasma on High carb days (300-350g total), 2 serves of Mag-10 moderate carbs (100-150g total) …Just EAA on low cabs days 50g-70g per day)

Love it, fits my profile ;0)