Anyone Split Back This Way?

My back has a lot of room for improvement (along with just about everything else), but was thinking about splitting back up into vertical pull day and horizontal pull days.

The tricky part comes in on how to keep an arm day separate if only on a 5-day split.
My options seem to be either do tris with chest and bi’s with one of my back days or go the way of a 6-day split. Just not sure I can consistently commit to 6 days.

Option A:
Monday Back/Bi’s
Tues Chest/Tri’s
Weds Legs
Thurs Back
Friday Shoulders

Option B:
Monday Back
Tues Chest
Weds Legs
Thurs Back
Friday Shoulders
Sat Arms

There are other options on the splits above, but probably one of the 2 is how I would do it. Again, not sure I will be able to stick with a 6-Day split

M: Chest/Bi’s
T: Legs
W: Horz. Back (usually less Bi’s involvement)
F: Shoulder’s/Tri’s
S: Vert. Back
S: Off

Have you considered checking out HSS-100 back specialisation?

Mon - Upper Horizontal push pull

  1. Barbell Rows
  2. Bench Press
  3. Barbell Curl
  4. Weighted Dips (Chin up for triceps focus)

Tues - Legs Hip Dominant

  1. Snatch Grip Dead-Lift
  2. Sissy Squat
  3. 1 legged Leg curls
  4. Standing Calf Raise

Wed - Abs

  1. Ab Roll out

Thurs - Upper Vertical Push Pull

  1. Weighted Pull Ups
  2. Standing Military Press
  3. DB Hammer Curls
  4. Close Grip Bench Press

Fri - Legs Quad Dominant

  1. Hang Cleans
  2. Back Squat
  3. Romanian Dead Lift
  4. 1 legged Calf Raise

Sat - Abs (Optional)

  1. Swiss Ball Crunches (with Weight plates)

Do this and once you’re eating and sleeping correctly you’ll get a bigger back.

I Promise :slight_smile:


Option B:
Monday Back
Tues Chest
Weds Legs
Thurs Back
Friday Shoulders
Sat Arms

I’m do something pretty similar, except I put shoulders with chest. Does your split revolve around the days of the week? I’ve thrown out what day it is and stuck to training 2 days on 1 off, I like it better so far.

Nope, I just take alot of caffeine, eat a good meal 2-4 hours before training and go in there and hit it with 24-30 sets. Hitting it from all angles.

[quote]martyh wrote:

I’m do something pretty similar, except I put shoulders with chest. Does your split revolve around the days of the week? I’ve thrown out what day it is and stuck to training 2 days on 1 off, I like it better so far.[/quote]

yeah, revolves around the days of the week.

there’s no way I will commit to the gym on Sundays, Saturdays would be hit or miss.

I’m in the gym all week for work, I don’t want to live here

I’ve tried having a rowing-movements day and a chin/pullup/pulldown type movements day, but personally did not find an advantage relative to same frequency of back days and same volume – simply taking about half of each day and moving to the other – with each day covering the full spectrum.

For me rather than being an improvement to split the movement types, it was not as good.