[quote]Dedicated wrote:
Professor X wrote:
stokedporcupine8 wrote:
kingbeef323 wrote:
You know the ones that might be on the side of your Facebook page or news site “get ripped in 30 days,” with the dramatic transformations. Who are they trying to fool, lol?
It looks like those pictures were taken an hour apart–just enough time to get a workout in and change lighting. It’s actually a weak effort, he didn’t even bother to push out his stomach in the before or take the before sans tan. I give this one a 3.
Not quite. There are either years or one or two steroid cycles between those two pics. His shoulders alone would need a year or two to make that jump in size if not more. Shit, I dare you to find 10 people on this site carrying as much size as his after picture even though the shadows make him look a little bigger.
First, there is no way in hell that happens in a month and the military damn sure isn’t making people that swole. Mind you, there are tons of big people in the military, but that is due to their own training and not because of running and doing push ups during PT.
Agreed. Big difference from pic to pic on that guy.
Maybe, but I don’t think it’s that obvious. I’ve seen a difference in pose, lighting, and angle make that much of a difference in pictures already. Throw in the pump from a good workout and shake (plus actually flexing) and I still think it’s possible the before pic was taken right after the guy woke up and the after picture was taken midday or something after a workout. I also say this because the guy’s proportions have changed very little overall from the before pic and the after pic. If, say, his shoulders were nothing compared to his chest in the before pic but his shoulders are definitively more developed than his chest in the after pic, than it would be obvious that something had changed. But this isn’t really the case, overall the guy just “looks” bigger in the after pic, and I’m saying that appearance is quite possibly due to just taking a better picture.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say that guy isn’t impressive. I get the feeling you guys think I’m trying to say that the man’s body isn’t impressive. It certainly is–he’s bigger than me, that’s for sure. Nevertheless I still think it’s possible that there wasn’t any substance change or time between these pics.
I mean you guys might be right, but those are the thoughts that lead me to my first post.