Howdy… My home gym is coming along. I still don’t have room for a power rack yet but i really need some more stuff besides my ironmasters dumbell set and bench. I just bought 300 lbs of O weights and a bar. I can start doing deads now, barbell shrugs, barbell rows etc.
I’m looking at a pair of squat stands now and wondering if anyone has a set or has lifted on them before. This would just be temporary. Obviously no where near as safe as a power rack but just don’t have any where to put it now. Squating a rep or two away from failure is much better then not squating at all. Getting sick of dumbell squats. Any input would be greatly apreciated.
Both are pretty cheap. like 130 for stands and 180 for second option. Thought of the sawhorses but they would be a little low for squating I would think. Thanks for the reply!
I actually just gave away my squat stand (looked like your second pic) and bought a power rack. This is probably the cheapest squat stand i’ve seen: SQUAT RACK
I have the one in your second post. Never been a problem for me. Holds a bunch of weight and I’ve never tipped it over. If you’re much taller than 6’ the only complaint you might have is that it’s just a little bit short.
I am curious about how much weight you plan to be squatting. The “squat rack” in the first picture seems a bit unstable. My advice is to use a power cage. I used that and it is perfect for squat and bench presses.
I have the exact same squat rack as in the 2nd pic.
I’ve had it for about 4 years or so now.
I did go and build my own supports to run along the sides when I back squat however.
It’s a nice piece of equipment.
I believe I have a picture of it in my profile.
I usually front squat though, so if I ever need to dump the bar, I just let it fall out in front of me.
[quote]JimmyLee09 wrote:
I am curious about how much weight you plan to be squatting. The “squat rack” in the first picture seems a bit unstable. My advice is to use a power cage. I used that and it is perfect for squat and bench presses.[/quote]
Yeah it does look a little teetery eh? That is exactly why i started this thread. Figured someone might of used them and fill me in. No room for a power rack right now but i have full intentions of getting one when I move. Might be a few years though.
As far as weight goes, I’m no powerlifter and I have been out of a commercial gym for some time without squating. But getting it back is always easier. I’ll have upper 200’s on there in no time. Then move from there. I am in shape and I do legs. Just have been forced to use dumbells. Never fell in love with dumbell squats though and my dumbells only went to 120s so there was only so much i could do.
[quote]elusive wrote:
I actually just gave away my squat stand (looked like your second pic) and bought a power rack. This is probably the cheapest squat stand i’ve seen:[/quote]
I just ordered this yesterday. I got some safety stands too:
I was just going to get some saw horses but I figured I’d be better off going w/ adjustable ones to bench from or do some pulls from. The catch area is short so there is not a lot of margin for error, but I guess its better than nothing.
The other one I considered was this, but it doesn’t go low enough to bench from:
I can give a full review when they arrive, if you can wait that long. Otherwise, its hard to beat the price and it will get the job done at a premium of space for other things, like this:
I’ve been using a similar squat stand at home, except the two components are connected. It is a little precarious at times, and I’m a pretty lightweight squatter.
Cost me about £30 for the pair, they adjust and hold 250kg. They are absolutely great, I’m 6’3" and they are not too low for me. I also use them with my bench for rack pressing etc.
[quote]theuofh wrote:
elusive wrote:
I actually just gave away my squat stand (looked like your second pic) and bought a power rack. This is probably the cheapest squat stand i’ve seen: SQUAT RACK
I just ordered this yesterday. I got some safety stands too:
I was just going to get some saw horses but I figured I’d be better off going w/ adjustable ones to bench from or do some pulls from. The catch area is short so there is not a lot of margin for error, but I guess its better than nothing.
The other one I considered was this, but it doesn’t go low enough to bench from:
I can give a full review when they arrive, if you can wait that long. Otherwise, its hard to beat the price and it will get the job done at a premium of space for other things, like this:
Thanks a lot! Great ideas everyone. Let me know how you like your purchase. This thread has given me some good ideas. I like the idea of getting the saw horses or those mini stands as well to have some safety catches.
I actually prefer squatting with stands, unless you have a very deep squat rack. We have a Crepinsek mono-style sumo rack and I squat in it, but most other racks don’t let me sit back far enough.