I have a consultation booked at the enf of next month with a Mr Jordan Peters (Facebook: Trained by JP).
The discussion is mainly going to be on insulin use, I did try to start a topic of conversation on here to discuss the use of Humalog AM, Pre and Post w/o.
I have never used slin but what interests me is the thought of being able to continue to grow while using something extremley anabolic but does not effect the testes… So, perfect for use during PCT, time off or where I am looking to use it during my test only cruises so I should maintain, maybe even grow!, following a blast.
It is pretty straight forward in terms of active life of the slin and peak times; I would use Humalog pre workout and sip on a shake comprised of dextrose/cilic dextrose, whey hydrosolate and creatine monohydrate.
I would personally use it pre workout becuase It makes to the most sense to me; forcing nutrients into the muscle cells whilst you train and creating and insane pump. Post workout is obviously great for recovery but again, if you shot pre workout with Humalog then it would still be active come post workout shake/meal… Just not at peak.
What I need to clarify during my consultation is:
- How to avoid fat gain (for now start with the classic 10g carbs per Iu and taper down the carbs as you get used to how you feel. I have been advised that 10g per iu is way too much and is just bro science on the net. I would use this however during a workout with access to more very easily becuase you are using energy to workout!)
- Linking on from fat gain, do you pick an iu amount of slin that fits in to your macros and carbs already or do you have to increase carbs for it to work.
- A clarification on eating fats around slin use.
- Using Humalin-R and multiple slin shots per day.