If you want to pack on mass then volume and food should be your best friend. Chains could work for that I suppose, but I’m not a bodybuilder so I can’t give you a definite answer. I will say that from a strength point of view I would focus on getting stronger out of the hole. If size is what you are after then I would try asking around in the bodybuilding forums.
But they’re not nearly as friendly over in the BB forums!! lol
I know what you’re saying, but I opted to post it in PL for the reason that volume and food aren’t gonna do jack shit for my legs if my technique isn’t rock solid.
There’s actually alot of chain work in CT’s livespill videos for the indigo teams and whatnot. So I think that means they could work for BB purposes too? Gotta find out for myself I suppose.
Can you not even ATG a bodyweight squat?
I don’t know much about your knee condition, but I have this revolutionary idea of deloading some weight, grabbing a barbell and just plain squatting. Find a weight you can squat deep and slowly load the weight back up, or just balance your training to include some lighter ATG squats couple with the heavy box ones.
I also don’t think the box is below parallel. I squatted around that deep at my meet and got red flagged a lot.
Also keep in mind that you’re training to make PRs for next year, not next week. So don’t let it get to you TOO much and focus on what you think will be good to prepare you for months ahead.
Sorry that’s not concrete advice at all, but it’s important for any lifter to remember when they get frustrated.
Personally, and this is coming from someone who has delt with a ton of athletes with a ton of different joint and movement problems, do not get rid of the box. If you are having/have had knee problems, aren’t even working towards getting ready for a competition, and are trying to get bigger/faster, there really is no logical reason so be free squatting. The box squats take stress off the knees, break up the stretch shortening cycle so that you learn to store a stretch reflex longer (i.e. makes you faster), and just playing with the volume will add some size.
You hit the nail on the head when you said none of this shit is going to matter if your form sucks. Which it really doesn’t but you you have to fix some smaller issues. Like getting some arch support and loosening your hips up.
And box squatting improves your raw squat if your technique on both isn’t total dogshit. Check out Phil Harringtons raw squat record. Something like 750 at 198 is pretty good for someone who JUST box squats.
[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
Personally, and this is coming from someone who has delt with a ton of athletes with a ton of different joint and movement problems, do not get rid of the box. If you are having/have had knee problems, aren’t even working towards getting ready for a competition, and are trying to get bigger/faster, there really is no logical reason so be free squatting. The box squats take stress off the knees, break up the stretch shortening cycle so that you learn to store a stretch reflex longer (i.e. makes you faster), and just playing with the volume will add some size.
You hit the nail on the head when you said none of this shit is going to matter if your form sucks. Which it really doesn’t but you you have to fix some smaller issues. Like getting some arch support and loosening your hips up.
And box squatting improves your raw squat if your technique on both isn’t total dogshit. Check out Phil Harringtons raw squat record. Something like 750 at 198 is pretty good for someone who JUST box squats.[/quote]
I agree. With the knee injury, box squatting is probably safest.
as an aside…as a late-blooming , less than stellar 48 year old p’lifter , I have learned 2 facts about box-squatting as it relates to free squats . number 1…to get my squat moving , I need to be free-squatting , period . number 2 …to recover from heavy free-squatting , I need to be squatting twice a week ; thats where the box-squats come in . the combination works wonders for me when box-squatting (DE style ) 4 days after free squats .
As for the flat feet, flat feet can cave in, and yours are def doing so. You have to hammer the glutes hard in order to help prevent that. The glutes help to externally rotate your legs. Also, this could be a problem pre and/or post surgery. When your feet cave in like that it wreaks havoc on your knees or hips (depending on other muscles/tightness), for you it was your knee. Having glutes of steel will help your knee recover and keep everything in line a lot faster.
Also, on the bottom of the squat you have to try and pull your elbows down, it could help you out a lot. here’s an example