[quote]rainjack wrote:
commi wrote:
Hardly ignorant but clearly uneducated. Thats why i wanted to see some opinions.
And no, i dont want an easy way out, what i thought is “why not use the stuff if its there” but seeing the replys i see its probably not a smart ting to do.
so thanks… i guess
You are ignorant. Not a slam. Just the truth. Read everything Berardi has written here. Read Lowery’s stuff. Read Barr’s stuff. There are incredible gains that can be made through diet.
And you have to train more often than just off and on. Two months doesn’t even count as having started in my book. The main problem with this thread was that you had one of the biggest idiots alive jump to your defense. That sets off all kinds of alrms in my head.
The term hardgainer should be stricken from our vocabulary. Everyone - with a very few exceptions - can gain mass. Thinking that AAS will solve you ills will cause you way more problems than they will solve for you.
Don’t take the flaming too hard down here. If you bounce back, you are only that much tougher. If you quit and run away - how bad did you really want it in the first place?
Eat big. Lift hard. Repeat that for a couple of years, and then see whether or not you want to try AAS. They are not candy. They can have a very very negative affect on you if you use them for the wrong reasons, or at the wrong time. [/quote]
Rainjack, Bushy, Randman are 100% correct.
It doesn’t matter if you use or not, if you want to grow, you still need to train and lift heavy. Also, most important, you need to be consistent with this training, diet.
If you don’t have the desire to train on a regualr basis, why fucking go? Its wasted time. IMO.
Facko, the comment about the 10 years or 2 months?? What the fuck? You are basically telling every teen out there that yeah, go ahead its ok. Do you realize the potential for that comment?
Use your head man.
Comments like that are making a lot of other vets go to other sites, believe me on that.
Commi, Hang in there. It will get easier. These guys are trying to help you. Its just that the stupid ass comments (like above) get old sometimes. Fuck, I wish I was 23. You test levels are going thru the roof right now. Good luck.