Is it possible to add in enough good bacteria while on antibiotics? fermented foods, resistant starch, pre-biotics etc.
Personally, I don’t see how you could. It seems logical to me that any pharmaceutical is going to kick the shit out of anything natural (obviously that doesn’t apply to everything, but I think in this situation it does).
I could be wrong, but that’s just what I think.
It might not be a super broad-spectrum antibiotic and you might be fine.
In any case - you obviously need the antibiotics so just take the hit on your gut health and repair it as quickly as possible once you’re off.
I’ve always been told (not all from reliable sources) that there is no point taking a pro-biotic or supplement good bacteria while taking antibiotics.
Save up that good stuff for when you get off the crack… Uh I mean antibiotics
The antibiotic is amoxicillin if it makes a difference.
I would say no, but you get a “clean” start with your gut flora, except of course that fungi may survive and get a hold first. Fungal infections are quite often associated with antibiotic use. I think that coconut oil is supposed to hold down fungal growth so maybe try some coconut oil during the round (though that may lead to coconut curry in the toilet effect). Also stay away from any grain fibers.
Can you elaborate on grain fibers? For resistant starch/pre biotics I make a drink that has green banana flour, acacia fiber and I will take a couple grams of pectin.
That sounds like a good combo. I’ve used green banana flour and potato starch to make little pancakes, but I hadn’t thought about drinking green banana flour.
Basically by grain fibers I mean psyllium. psyllium scrapes the outer surface cells off of the intestines, which can cause inflammation and possibly weaken tight junctions in the gut. I am not sure if psyllium can be processed into short chain fatty acids by gut bacteria like pectin, cellulose and resistant starch. I believe Bill Roberts and I talked about it and determined that psyllium is not turned into STFA’s, though some grain and bean fibers can be. The main protective function of fiber seems to be in the short chain fatty acids that bacteria produce that ends up creating a protective cover on endothelial cells. The whole “cleans you aout” thing may not be a benefit, though there is some debate as to whether “scouring” the outer surface of the gut 3-4 times a year might help to clear off polyps though.