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What, in your opinion, is the best, highest quality creatine product?

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I’ve always stuck with Kaizen Micronized… Can’t say I’ve ever tried Swole or anything like that.

Cell tech!

Just kidding. I’d go with Prolab or almost anything else using CreaPure.

I’m in Australia so I don’t know if this helps but the best product I’ve used is Redbak Creatine (Creapure). Then again, I’ve never really noticed the benefits from creatine that some people get.

Syntrax Straight. Mixes very well.

I have only used AST micronized creatine and EAS Phosphagen HP. Really I didn’t notice any difference witht he EAS, so I will say that my favorite is AST micronized creatine. Thanks

Always used AST micronized a great for quality/price balance.

I’m currently using Kreataine Ultra from Black Star labs and I’m very happy with the results. I usually don’t notice much from creatine but with this product I feel stronger and increased recovery.

I’d have to second prolab

I use Iron-Tek Creatine Monohydrate fairly cheap, and it mixes well. Since I’m involved in speed sports (hockey and OL) I use very small amounts, so I’m not really all that picky.

I like the stuff rom Apex Fitness/Pinnacle…it’s in a tablet and coated,I feel as if I absorb it better than powder

Any plain micronized powder. As for brand names, Optimum is a favorite of mine because of the price and I’ve liked my experience with their products.


The best creatine I’ve ever had by far is phosphagen hp. I have used it on and off for a couple years. I have used the one that has carbs and without. Great product and only 20 bucks for a months supply on base.

Liquid creatine froom Muscle Marketing has done the trick for me.

I would go for ProLab due to a good ratio of quality/price. I don’t buy into some of the gimics other companies try to through in there.

Either the injectable german creatine or the pure micronized versions made by any reputable company like prolab.

I’ve never been a big fan of creatine for myself, but AST was the best I’ve tried.

prolab creapure is what I use

I’ve always used EAS Phosphagen or Simply Creatine for no other reason than inexpensiveness (1000g for $15)