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I’m in Australia so I don’t know if this helps but the best product I’ve used is Redbak Creatine (Creapure). Then again, I’ve never really noticed the benefits from creatine that some people get.
I have only used AST micronized creatine and EAS Phosphagen HP. Really I didn’t notice any difference witht he EAS, so I will say that my favorite is AST micronized creatine. Thanks
I’m currently using Kreataine Ultra from Black Star labs and I’m very happy with the results. I usually don’t notice much from creatine but with this product I feel stronger and increased recovery.
I use Iron-Tek Creatine Monohydrate fairly cheap, and it mixes well. Since I’m involved in speed sports (hockey and OL) I use very small amounts, so I’m not really all that picky.
The best creatine I’ve ever had by far is phosphagen hp. I have used it on and off for a couple years. I have used the one that has carbs and without. Great product and only 20 bucks for a months supply on base.