im taking 500mgs a week of teste and i heard from a pal that running while juicin is bad for you heart and can cause a cardiac arrest?? this sounds a little extremem… is it true??
also… ive got test200 and so ive split it up 1.5cc mon and 1cc on Thursday. Is this unbalanced amount a bad ok?
[quote]daveybaby wrote:
im taking 500mgs a week of teste and i heard from a pal that running while juicin is bad for you heart and can cause a cardiac arrest?? this sounds a little extremem… is it true??
also… ive got test200 and so ive split it up 1.5cc mon and 1cc on Thursday. Is this unbalanced amount a bad ok?[/quote]
Yeah, it’s true…
…also, marijuana leads to jazz music and raping white women.
I know that it says dont ask for sources, but I’m gonna do it anyway. If anyone can PM with a website I can use for winstrol, please let me know. After reading all about scammers, and not reading about a single reliable website, I dont trust going it on my own.
I have been lifting on and off for 3 years, and unfortunately, recently gained a sizable amount of body fat. This does not do well for me, seeing as how I’m a NYC nightclub promoter, and image is everything.
Any advice (even just on how to go about searching for a site) would help. Thanks
ditto on spilting injects evenly. i would do the thursday one in the evening or at night if possible to get it close to even, or if morning is only option do the 1.5 on thursday since that is the injection that is going to be 4 days before the next shot.
running while on is actually a good way to prevent excessive hypertrophy of the ventricles. also helps recovery and increases capilary density, hardly a bad thing. as with the lifting, don’t overdo it, even distance runners should only run the full distance once a week or less with interval and sprint sessions thrown in.
as for the newb trying to source: piss off and start a new thread so you can get flamed. you need to get your diet in order not winny. try HOT-ROX Extreme, it has serious fat burning power, especially combined with diet. the full dose is on par with 10mg winny or var for LBM retention. might just be what you are looking for, nice brain candy effect too, especially with Power Drive and Caffeine-Free Spike. there will always be winny for when you need it.
i would love to do 1.25 twice a week… but i bought over 60 pins and they are measured in 10ths. so… its kinda hard to measure a quarter. i guess i could try to go in between the hash marks. but it seems easier to split them up 1ml and 1.5ml
[quote]daveybaby wrote:
i would love to do 1.25 twice a week… but i bought over 60 pins and they are measured in 10ths. so… its kinda hard to measure a quarter. i guess i could try to go in between the hash marks. but it seems easier to split them up 1ml and 1.5ml [/quote]