I just recently bought a cycle to get ready for next years baseball season.
I train hard, and eat chicken and baked potatoes until I feel like im goin to puke. Ive decided to use steroids because I’ve hit a brick wall in my training.
I bought 10 CC’s Of Test. Ethanate(GA Labs).
100 Pink Thailand Dbol’s
Going for 1 CC a week for ten weeks.
2 Dbol a day for first week then up dose to 3 a day.
You’re 18 with 6 whole months training and you want to do a gram of test per week with a Dbol kickstart and no AE or PCT indicated??? Kiss your balls goodbye while you still have them!
At 18 years old the only advice you are going to get here is that you are too young.Go eat and lift HEAVY for a few years. To answer your question though no your “cycle” isn’t any good.Sorry I know thats not what you wanted to hear.
I am not trying to beat a dead horse but I would listen to the people responding to your thread. You’re only 18 and already think you are ready to mess with your hormonal system. I know you probably still will use them because you are only going to listen to what you want to hear, but please atleast research some more.
If your 1-mile runtime is 7 minutes, but you want to get it down to the 5s, don’t you think it would be foolish to skip a lap to do it instead of learning to run faster?
Well I havent just started, Ive been lifting on an off since my freshman year, but i really want to make SERIOUS gains this time, Because I want to take my baseball career to the next level. What should i do about Anti E. or PCT.