Another Front Squat Question

I like doing front squats alot more than back squats, however I can only do them bodybuilder style (arms crossed). I refer to the “Book of Musle” for forum.

I have short arms, I stretch almost everyday but I still cant bend them enough to hold the barbell.

Any pointers on diffrent stretches I can do?

[quote]DF85 wrote:
I like doing front squats alot more than back squats, however I can only do them bodybuilder style (arms crossed). I refer to the “Book of Musle” for forum.

I have short arms, I stretch almost everyday but I still cant bend them enough to hold the barbell.

Any pointers on diffrent stretches I can do?[/quote]

Are you training to become an Olympic lifter? If not, then don’t beat yourself up with trying to bend your wrists back Olympic style. I wouldn’t let hand placement keep me from doing front squats. There are other variations you can use to get to that point where your wrists would be back. Just worry about the main thing: leg, ab, glute and ham development.

[quote]DF85 wrote:
I like doing front squats alot more than back squats, however I can only do them bodybuilder style (arms crossed). I refer to the “Book of Musle” for forum.

I have short arms, I stretch almost everyday but I still cant bend them enough to hold the barbell.

Any pointers on diffrent stretches I can do?[/quote]

Attach some lifting straps to the bar and hold them instead. Way easier on the wrists. Work on flexibility so you no longer require straps.

You don’t need to grip the bar with your hands with that style. I only have the tips of my fingers under the bar which is enough to keep it on my clavicle.

I see some people doing these with a full grip and shudder, but of you have the flexibility why not?