Thanks for all the input guys… I’ll always use Biotest products. I’ve had nothing but great results from them… I just wish they would come out with another flavor for Surge… I’m a strength coach in Atlanta and have most of my clients on Biotest products. Thanks for the replies… TGATL
Gotta agree with most of the guys on this thread. I absolutley crave Surge on workout days. I love the taste of Surge even when diluted.
I dilute 1.5 scoops in 1L of water for both during my workout and immediatley post workout. I follow Waterbury’s suggestion and have another 2 scoops in about 16-20oz of water about 45min after my post workout Surge shake. I absolutley love the results since doing so.
As for taste if Surge is too sugary dilute it in a liter of water. I may actually like it better diluted.
Just my two cents. But I’m not saying I wouldn’t try a new flavor.
that Surge is something else. I can’t get enough of it. Incredible taste.
I’m not sure what angel food cake taste like but it has to taste better than this. It is far from being as good as you people make it out to be. Sure compared to other companys it may taste great. Also everyone has their own taste for a given supplement. I use Surge and will continue to do so regardless of the taste. I would love to have a orange or strawberry flavor. However I just e-mailed John the other day about a new flavor coming out. His reply, “Na, we’re sticking with the same flavor”.
I figure the reason some of you think it taste so great is because of your bland meals you eat every day. No diss to Biotest, this is the best and most convenient postworkout formula on the market and am very thankful for it.
Heh, different people have different tastes. To many of us, myself included, Surge is fantastic and is similar to angel food cake!
I have read on here that some people taste the underlying proteins whereas others don’t. If you are unlucky and have this type of taste sensitivity, too bad, but don’t kid yourself into thinking we all eat bland food or something silly like that.
I hate angel food cake.
And Surge is okay…but I’d like a different flavor, I’ll have to try the Cherry Kool-Aid thing.
And the first time I used Surge, I didn’t get it shaken totally or it settled out, and that last swallow was nasty!
Yup, that whey stuff does taste bad!!!
I am always so surprised when I read about how much people like the taste of Surge, but I chalk that up to being one of those who is more sensitive to the taste of the hydrosylate because I usually taste that bitter flavoring (especially when you get down to the end of the shake). So I think it tastes OK, but even if you switch it up to chocolate, orange or key lime pie, if you are sensitive to the flavor of the protein, you are never really going to mask it all that much.
[quote]tgatl wrote:
Does anyone else out there have a problem with the taste of Surge? I find it to taste like pure sugar. I’ve used chocolate flavor and it hides the sugar pretty well. I hate vanilla and wanted to mix it with choclate milk or a choclate syrup of some kind. It would be great if BioTest came out with a another flavor. Any ideas??? Thank, TG[/quote]
Try mixing it with Green Tea. Buy some Green Tea (not Arizona or any of the “soft drink” teas) and boil/make the tea. Put it in the fridge to cool down. Mix it in a shaker bottle with 2 scoops of Surge and put back in the fridge. Tastes great and you get the anti-oxidant power of the green tea.
[quote]jo3 wrote:
one question though. i mixed it in a little sifter bottle (a bottle with grids near the top to help mix your powders), but after i mixed it, i noticed that it was still a little grainy. did i not mix it well enough, or is it supposed to be like that? i really don’t care if it’s grainy or not, i’m just curious.[/quote]
You didn’t do anything wrong, it is a bit grainy. But the taste is awesome nonetheless.
[quote]tgatl wrote:
Does anyone else out there have a problem with the taste of Surge? I find it to taste like pure sugar. I’ve used chocolate flavor and it hides the sugar pretty well. I hate vanilla and wanted to mix it with choclate milk or a choclate syrup of some kind. It would be great if BioTest came out with a another flavor. Any ideas??? Thank, TG[/quote]
I had the same initial reaction as yours when I tried Surge. It’s an acquired taste for some. Give it a chance.
I tried Surge again on Sunday. I got about half-way done with it until I started to gag. The first time I could barely drink it at all so I am doing better. I might try the “Crystal Light coverup” and see what happens. I might also try putting a little less in. I currently was trying 2 full scoops. I will try 1 1/2 and see what happens. I would love to try and get myself used to it but there is just something that doens’t agree with me. If this doens’t work it looks like this will be the end for me. Sucks to be me…
Biotest should ship 1 packet of hydrolyzed whey protein to everyone who bitches about the taste. After eating that you will realize why Surge tastes the way it does(and you will be thankful for how good it does taste).
Hydrolyzed whey tastes like absolute ass so they had to flavor Surge in a way that will mask it.
[quote]scott78945 wrote:
I tried Surge again on Sunday. I got about half-way done with it until I started to gag. [/quote]
You can send me your partially used bottle.
It definitely sucks that you don’t like the taste of Surge, but mixing it with something like chocolate to mask the flavor is kind of like mixing your fresh broccoli with pork gravy so that you get the nutritional benefit of the broccoli.
I like Surge so much that if I have a cold, I snort it up so that my snot tastes like it!