Just got in on Lilly’s next training groupd and he’s gonna help me peak for a meet on 3/23/13. SO, either today is Christmas Eve, or it’s W1 D1 DL Rep day.
W1 D1: DL Reps
DL: 275x8 @7
4" block pull: 295x3(x2) @7.5
Oly Squats: 185x8(x3) @8
- good pump in my quads. felt like cardio, cause I’m in terrible shape.
GHR: 3x6
Cable rows (50 reps): 90x25, 110x15, 110x10
- opted out of back extensions cause lower back wasn’t having it.
Great workout. Not used to this amount of reps and exercises. Good thing he programs it light for the first few weeks cause I need time to get used to it. Oh yea current lifts are around 385/275/425. Best lifts are 405/305/450. So I need to start bustin ass.
W1 D2: Bench
Floor Press: 215x2(x5) @9
Bench: 155x15(x2) @10
- 60%. I don’t know how hard these were supposed to be, but they were pretty tough.
DB shrugs: 3x12 with 45s
Lat pulldowns: 90x12, 100x12, 90x12
band pushdowns: 100 reps split into 5 sets
OHP: 65x12(x3)
- triceps were fried by this point. Not used to these high reps
W1 D3: Speed Skwats
Squat: 225x3(x8) @7-8
- was fairly tired just after this. so the rest was a grind
Reverse band: 275x2, 295x1
- Got confused and thought I was only supposed to do 1, but it was 2 reps
Oly Squat: 185x5(x5) @8
- started off easy and got rough by the last set
Front Squat(sub for leg press): 135x15, 135x12, 135x12, 115x12 @9-10
- Tried for 15 every set, just all skwated out.
RDL(sub for reverse hyper): 135x12, 175x12(x2)
This was it for me. I was gonna quit on my second set of RDL and my brother made me push out another one. I was supposed to do KB Swings to end the session, but after the RDLs my glutes were just not firing anymore. My other brother laid in the floor for 10 min. after this session. I don’t think I’ve ever squatted so much in my life. Workout took close to an hour and a half, but my brother kept being lazy and slowing things down. Oh yea, my 16 y/o brother has decided to do his first PL meet and is training with me to get ready. I’ll try to keep his numbers updated on this too. So far his maxes are 285/205/335 @205 bw. Yea he’s a lot bigger than me, but then again so is the rest of my family.
W2 D1: Speed DL
DL: 255x3(x8) @7
- 65%, went real quick off the floor. started to slow down by set 6.
4" block pull (snatch grip): 195x15(x3)
- Can’t really attach an RPE, but after the 3rd set I about fell over.
SSB Squat: 175x8(x2) @8-9, 155x8 @9
- Here is where I about lost it, but pushed through.
Barbell shrugs: 185x12(x3)
Lat pulldown: 70x15(x4)
Back raises: 50 reps
Pretty damn tough workout here. Felt like puking afterword and couldn’t really move for about 15 min. after. I used to use speed days as a type of deload, and so far the speed days have been the hardest. To be honest though I feel stronger already, and I’m not sore near as long as I normally am. Don’t know why yet though.
W2 D2: Bench reps
Incline BP: 155x8 @9, 165x7 @10
- didn’t go for an 8th rep cause I didn’t think I would get it.
Incline DB bench: 45x20 @9, 30x20 @9
- these were tough, I thought 30s would be too light but after the 45s they were just right
Close-grip BP: 135x12(x2) @9, 135x15(w/ reactive slingshot)
- used the slingshot on the last set because I was almost fried
Band Flys: 3x15 w/ mini’s
Supinated cable rows: 90x12(x3)
Band push-downs: 100 (in 3 sets)
Pronated cable rows: 3x12
I don’t think I’ve ever done a workout where the reps never went below 5, much less 8. I had an enormous “pump” at the end of this. The rows weren’t part of the workout, but I wanted some extra back work and wasn’t exhausted, so I added them in. Awesome workout overall, nice change of pace.
W2 D3: Squat ME, 5x2 @80%
Squat: 295x2(x5) @8
- 1st set completely raw, 2nd belt added, 3-5 belt and knee sleeves
GM (squat stance): 165x8(x3) @8-9
Front squat: 95x20(x3) @9-10
Lunges: 3x12 bodyweight
- by the 3rd set my quads were burning so bad I could barely walk
Back extentions: 2x25, 1x10
295 felt heavy on my back but moved with good speed and even the last set was around an 8 RPE. I’m really interested to see how all this squatting is going to affect my squat and DL. And I’m finally getting used to these high reps squats because I felt like doing more after this session.
W3 D1: DL ME 5x2 @80%
4" block pull: 325x2(x5) @8
- miss calculated, supposed to be 315, but felt easy enough
Snatch-grip 4" DL: 255x8(x3) @8
- pretty heavy by the 3rd set
DB rows: 80x10(x3)
- felt awesome. Lats all swoled up
BB shrugs: 155x20(x2)
Up, down planks: 1x25, 1x15, 1x10 (50 reps total)
Back extensions: 2x20
Completely fucked up the up down planks. I thought they were 5-10 sec. holds then down and back up like McGill talks about. Anyway they’re some kind of push-up plank deal. The exetensions weren’t part of the workout but I really wanted to finish with them for some odd reason (I used to HATE them).
W3 D2: Speed Bench. 8x3 @60%
Floor Press: 155x3(x2), 175x3, 165x3(x3), 175x3(x2)
- missload @155 so bumped it up to 175 and back to 165, which was too light so finished with 175
Incline DB press: 45x15(with minis) @10, 45x14(minis on first 6, then straight weight), 30x15
- 45s are the biggest DBs I have so the bands made it harder. right at a 10 RPE too.
DB OHP: 45x10(x3)
Band push-downs: 3x35
Band Fly: 3x15
Decline sit-ups: 2x25
So workouts are getting easier. Feeling stronger. Next week we’ll get to see if I actually have gotten stronger because that’s when the real ME starts. 2bd press to a new 3rm next week.
W3 D3: Squat RE x8 @70%
Squat: 245x8 (too easy), 265x7 (miscounted)
- even though I miss counted it was still too easy and 265 was more than 70%, anxious to see what a max reps set would look like.
Wide-stance GM: 135x8, 155x8(x2)
Lunges: 50x15, 2x15 w/ bodyweight
Oly squat: 95x50
- Yea. 50 non-stop reps with 95, not a lot of weight but life sucked after this. Want to do 135 eventually.
Decline sit-ups: 3x12 (w/ 25lb DB)
W4 D1: DL reps
DL: 315x3(x2) @8
2" block pull snatch-grip: 225x10(x3)
Oly Squat: 185x10(x2), 155x10(x2)
GHRs: 4x8
- last time I could only get 6
Reverse hyper (no weight): 2x25
W4 D2: Bench ME 2-board
2-board BP: 225x3 @8, 245x3 @8.5, 255x3 @9.5
- I was expecting a little more, but not today.
BP 3-board: 185x10(x3) @10
Lat-pulldowns: 70x15(x3)
Cable pushdowns: 4x15 @10RPE
DB OHP: 3x10 w/ 30s
BB shrugs: 4x15 w/ 175
W4 D3: Speed Squat 6x2 @65%
Squat: 235x2(x6) @6-7
Rev. Band (dbl minis): 315x2 @too easy, 345x2 @7-8
Oly Squat: 185x5(x5)
Zercher squat: 135x12(x4)
- these were fucking rough, a sub for leg press
Rev. Hyper: 3x12 w/ doubled mini
KB Swings: 2x15, 1x8 w/ 70lb
W5 D1: Speed DL
DL: 275x2(x6) @7-8
2" block pull snatch-grip: 175x20
Oly squat: 185x6(x4), 225x10
- 185 felt too light by set 4 so I jumped to 225 and felt like busting out a few more
Lat-pulldowns: 90x15(x2), 70x15(x2)
BB shrugs: 155x15(x3)
Back Raises: 3x20
So a big update. Been pretty busy with work and school. The workouts are going good. My squat feels unstopable. DL feels solid. Bench is still stuck, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I’m only hitting any type of pressing 1/week. Really wish I had the extra time for a BB day. Maybe I could add in small workouts throughout the week. We’ll see. I not really worried about the Bench as much as the other two though.
W5 D2: Bench Reps
Bench: 185x8, 205x6, 225x2 @8
Bench: 135x12 3ct paused reps
OHP: 85x10(x3)
Band pulldowns: 4x15
Tricep push-downs: 4x25
Lateral raises: 5lb for 100 non-stop reps
W5 D3: Squat MAX
Squat: 305x2(x3) @7-8
Reverse band added (minis)
Oly Squat: 185x10, 205x10(x2), 185x10
So this session was awesome. Made the weight look easy and everything was fast. Wasn’t supposed to go anywhere near 385, but everything looked to fast and felt too easy. I still have some ways to go, but I’m building momentum and 425 will go in April.
W6 D1: DL ME off 2" blocks
DL off 2" blocks: 335x2(x3) @8
Sumo DL: 285x2(x8)
DB Rows: 80x20(x2)
BB shrugs: 3x15
Lunges: 3x12
Up and Down Planks: 3x10
W6 D2: BP speed Floor press
Floor Press: 175x2(x2), 185x2(x4)
Incline DB Press: 3x15 w/ 45s (w/ minis
DB OHP: 45x6(x3)
Band push-downs: 4xfail w/ monster minis
Band Fly: 3x15 w/ minis
Lat pulldowns: 5x12-15