Hi! Any of you have some anonymous website hosting experiences / recommendations?
I know there exists private domains, where your WHOIS information is safe, but what happens when you link it (the anon) to a non-private webhost? Do you absolutely need a private host to keep you private status?
Get a free website, and give false information. They have so many people starting websites that they wouldn’t notice Mickey Mouse started a website. Then links would not matter. Unless somebody would complain about your website, then the worst is that you could just end up with the web page shut down.
Now if you want to do business there, then it becomes practically impossible because then somebody would have to know who you are so you can get paid. Unless you really know offshore banking well.
What they say is that I should get a private web host and that I need to point to their name servers and, bingo, domain stays private and webhosting does not say anything more.
Is that simple?
Any alternatives to GoDaddy.com who meet these criteria. Godaddy does not seem to have the most flexible webpage generator / hostings packages around…