Anna's Training Log Part 2 (Part 2)

splurged on dry rub ribs. SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD

900kcal surplus for the day. I wish my calorie budget was bigger


Ribs are life.

Move up a weight class and the budget goes up!


Week 25: Day 1

Squat: 3x8-145lbs, 1x1-185lbs
Good mornings: 3x6-135lbs
Leg extensions: 1x12-85lbs, 1x10-95lbs, 1x8-100lbs
abductor machine: 3x12, some weight

  • felt okay, getting used to new bar, still slight issue with balance

Week 25: Day 2

Deadlift: 1x6-235lbs, 2x6-245lbs, fail 285lbs- literally had 3 in at most to go but got stuck at top
RDL: 3x4-185lbs, slow eccentrics
adductor machine: 3x12, some weight
landmine row: 3x10-1 plate on the bar, slow eccentrics

  • really really really disappointed, deadlifts felt super heavy for how light the weight is, coach said the bar might be a big part of the issue so Iā€™m going to choose to believe that. I am so jealous of the ppl who get stronger after deload

Week 25: Day 3

40min easy battlerope interval circuit thing

  • fun and quick

Week 25: Day 4

Tempo squats: 3x5-155lbs, 4 sec eccentric
More Squats: 3x10-135lbs
tricep pushdowns: 3x16-30lbs
lat pulldowns: 2x6, 1x5-85lbs

  • tempo squats REALLY suck- have trouble holding my breath for so long but didnā€™t feel too heavy

Week 25: Day 5

Conventional DL: 1x5-215lbs, 225lbs, 235lbs, 245lbs
DB bench: 1x6, 2x5-45lb dbs
cable row: 3x8-85lbs
face pulls: 3x12-27.5lbs

  • felt pretty nice, rack was taken so did db bench

Week 25: Day 6-7

45min cardio kickboxing and core workout videos

  • fun and quick

Week 26: Day 1

Deadlift: 3x6-245lbs, 1x1-285lbs
Tempo squat: 3x5-155lbs, 4 sec negatives
Good mornings: 2x7, 1x6-135lbs

  • this was kind of dumb but had stuff to do sunday

Day 26: Day 2

squat: 3x8-155lbs
abductor machine: 1x16,15,12 some weight, increasing and close to failure
adductor machine: 3x15, some weight, very hard
cable row: 3x7-100lbs

  • shorter workout, not as sore as expected

Week 26: Day 3 (today)

30min easy on eliptical
9x(1min easy rope pull+15sec rest)

  • legs really sore and this got blood flowing