Overhead press: 1x3-25kg ,30kg, 35kg- these felt unusually heavy and I didn’t really have the mental energy to do 3+
5x(5overhead press+12 lat pulldowns-30kg)- actually a lot easier than expected
Chest supported row row: 5x12-10kg Dbs
Facepulls: 1x15-10kg ,12.5kg,15kg - no rest
Tricep pushdowns: 1x15-12.5kg,15kg- no rest
Front Squat: 1x3-40kg, 45kg ; 1x6-50kg, I could have done a 7th rep but form was seriously breaking down so I bailed; 5x5-40kg EMOM
Lunges: 3x12/leg-45kg
Thrusters (Too lazy to do conditioning): 8x5-30kg EMOM
Abs: 1x25 lying leg raises; 1x25/side- plank knee raises
Bench Press: 1x3-40kg, 45kg, 50kg; 5x5-40kg w/40sec rest - I was pretty tired and everything felt pretty heavy. Quite disappointed that I could only do 3 at 50kg
3x(10wide grip bench-35kg+15curls-5kg Dbs)
(50 HSPUw/(5push up+10 air squat) every min+ rest until 5min+500m ski erg)- 8:25
AMRAP 20min- (3bench press-45kg+6renegade row-12.5kg DBs+12 alt pistols (add 2 each round)- up to 28 pistols
Technique: legless rope climbs- got to 14 ft twice
Rower hamstring curls: 3x12/leg
Pistol squats (alternating)- 50 down by 10 w/ 5 DB manmakers between sets-14kg Dbs-19:13
Tricep Pushdowns: 1x20+ 3x10w/5sec rests- 15kg
Reracking dumbbells w/ (10 squats+10lunges every 2min)- every one was either out of place or scattered around the gym so this actually quite taxing
So… My account was randomly blocked for the past few days… but, I’m back. Long story short, I finished the rest of week 3 and won’t bother posting the missing days since it’s a pain in the ass to type everything (I have a seperate paper notebook)
Yesterday’s workout:
Week 4: Day 1
Overhead Press: 1x5-20, 25kg; 1x9-30kg; 5x(20kg+15 lat pull downs-30kg)-1min rests
Chest supported rows: 5x10-12.5kg Dbs
Conditioning: For time- 50cal ski erg w/5 burpees every min- 7:56
Reverse flyes: 1x20+3x10 cluster w/5sec rest-5kg Dbs- cable machine for face pulls was taken
Back Squat: 1x5-40kg, 45kg, 1x10-55kg 5x5-45kg w/3sec pause at bottom- 2min rests
I was barely out of breath and my legs didn’t feel too bad, but the hip shift was pretty bad so I stopped at 10
Front Squat: 3x10-35kg- 90sec rests
I wanted to do 40kg, but I picked up the bar and knew that wasn’t going to happen
Technique: Overhead squat
Core work: 90-90 stuff for hip shift
@T3hPwnisher I noticed you’re helping samul with his training. Could you also help me? I’m doing 5/3/1 FSL with Front squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Back squat as my main movements.
Can help as best I can. I’m not very good about checking the training log sections, but if you tag me as you need me I’ll pop by and offer my perspective.
Speaking of which, what do you think of what I’m doing now?
I’m feeling great, but I’m worried that by squat and Bench volume are too low since I was benching 3x/week before starting 5/3/1 and was squatting 2-3 times a week before surgery