
If an 18 year old had done steroid cycles when he was 16 is there any reason he shouldn’t use androsol.

Jesse, you couldn’t possibly have any good reason to use steroids at 16 in the first place. You have absolutely no reason to use any roids now, not even androsol. Your hormonal environnement was optimal at 16, and should still be excellent at 18, don’t fuck it up! You should ask yourself if your diet is ok (6 meals a day, 1 - 1.5 g. / bodyweight of protein a day, enough calories), if you have a good training and enough rest. I hate to see a guy your age spending his money on supps other than MRPs. You should be able to pack on the muscles very fast without hormones or steroids. Right now, your balls are all you need to get big, take care of them!

First of all, the impression I get is that he already used when he was sixteen, so there’s no point on telling him not to at this point in time. If your cycles were specially wreckless at 16, you might be shutdown but chances are you aren’t. Go get a blood test.

Second of all, it pisses me off when I keep hearing about how “At 18 you should just blow up from LOOKING at weights and eating burgers” That’s bullshit. Anyone who makes that statement either started lifting after they were teenagers, was a genetic freak, or simply happened to get the normal BEGINNER growth (note i didn’t say TEENAGER growth) during their teens because that’s when they took up bodybuilding.

I, and certainly many others on this board, started lifting early enough in my teens so that at 18 I had to bust my balls to get any progress, and it pisses me off when older guys (I’m still only 20) belittle my accomplishments and write me off as just some lucky ass kid who was probably born pushing around those weights. I worked just as hard, and probably even harder than them to accomplish my goals.

Sorry to go on such a tangent because in the end I still would answer no, you probably should not use Androsol. That is, unless you can really look at your training and lifestyle and truthfully say that you periodize your training correctly, rest plenty, eat clean, and have a solid supplementation schedule of glutamine, creatine, and enough protein to supplement your diet. Sorry for being so long winded, but there I don’t believe that you can just say: “No, this product is not for ANY 18 year old”

Use Androsol as they recommend and you should experience no problems and respectable gains. Just keep your caloric intake high and work hard in the gym.

Testosterone levels are not high in teenagers, as it is naively and commonly reported. Normal teenagers have normal levels of testosterone. Teenage growth spurts are the result of growth hormones, not testosterone.

Androgen levels are very high in teenagers. That’s why they have acne, develop gyno (in some cases), become very aggressive, and have every other testosterone effect an adult would have after injecting himself with 1,000 mg’s of Testosterone Enanthate. Haven’t any of you noticed that taking androgens makes you feel like you are a teenager again? The acne, oily skin, moodswings, and feelings of grandiose invincibilty return once again. A teenager can make impressive gains even with the most half-assed of training attempts. I know I did. So there is absolutely no need for (normal) teenagers to take any type of androgen supplement. I’m no endocrine expert, I don’t have to be. This is a matter of common sense.

So you are saying that the reason female teenagers get acne, feel invincible, and grow so rapidly (especially around 13-15) is because of their outrageously high levels of testosterone? No. Not at all. If you want to assert such things, then you should provide references to respected peer reviewed journals. Your word won’t cut it for anyone here.

Mike, female teenagers do not grow beards, their voices don’t deepen, and they do not act like they are invincible. Moreover, the female growth spurt, as well as the male growth spurt is probably more due to growth hormone than to testosterone. But to transform a boy into a man, the testicles have got to produce a lot of androgens! The adult male produces about 2-10 mg’s of testosterone a day. Is that enough to turn a boy into a man? Regards, Jason

I believe the changes are due to a CHANGE in testosterone, not their extremely high levels. True, androgen levels might be high, but the biggest culprit in bringing about the androgenic/anabolic side effects in teenage boys is the fact that up until recently, they had almost no testosterone in their body. That is the same thing that occurs when you take test, it is the change in testosterone that causes it. Try this: Take a gram of sust a week and tell me how you feel circa week three. Feel like you got the biggest one in town? Thought so. Keep taking a gram a week for six months and tell me how you feel then. You’d probably feel the same as, or worse, as you did before you started. That’s because to a great extent it was the change from your baseline that caused the androgenic and anabolic effects.

DT, you have a point. I guess I stand corrected. There are many false beliefs held as gospel truth, such as the belief that one can accomplish the anatomically impossible feat of knocking someone’s nose “into their brains.” Hell, there are even martial artists, people who should know better, who believe in such nonsense. So, it wouldn’t surprise me if the belief that teenagers have super high levels of testosterone is just another “urban legend.”

Testosterone is indeed responsible for facial hair and deepening of the voice, but that is not the issue we are discussing. The issue is whether or not teenagers have abnormally high levels of testosterone relative to adult males. I have claimed that normal teenagers have normal levels of testosterone, and that, consequently, it is perfectly natural and beneficial for them to consider supplementing with anabolic agents such as Androsol.

To support this position I now offer the abstract from an article published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. This abstract clearly states that testosterone levels rise in adolescent males until they reach adult levels, and that they stay at adult levels until the forties, when there is a decline in free testosterone.

Hopefully this will put to rest the bodybuilding myth that teenagers have outrageously high levels of testosterone and require no supplementation to achieve accelerated levels of muscle growth.

Environ Qual Saf Suppl 1976;(5):171-80 Related Articles, Books

Plasma levels and secretion rate of steroids with anabolic activity in man.

Vermeulen A

Both the gonads and the adrenal cortex secret steroids with anabolic activity. It should be realized that the most intense anabolism occurs during infancy and childhood at which time the concentration of steroid hormones with anabolic activity is extremely low. By far the most important anabolic steroid is in testosterone followed by androstenedione, androsterone and dehydroepiandrosterone. Also, estrogens have a generalized anabolic effect, although these hormones have their greatest anabolic action in their respective target organs. In males, after a short period of relatively high T levels immediately after birth, T levels during infancy and childhood are low (+/- 20--30 ng/100 ml); the increase of T levels in one of the first objective signs of puberty and over a period of 3--4 years adult T levels are reached. The latter vary between 380 and 1,000 ng (mean 660 ng/100 ml); the increase in the protein-free, non-protein bound testosterone is even more impressive as the concentration of testosterone binding globulin decreases sharply at puberty. Testosterone levels remain constant up to the 7th decade of life, and decrease rapidly thereafter; free testosterone levels decrease already after the age of 40. [snip]

It would be interesting to perform a controlled study comparing the rate of increasing lean muscle tissue in various ages(14,16,18,20,25,30). I know this would be difficult considering genetic factors. I NEVER recommend prohormones or AAS to anyone under 21. Build a solid foundation of two or three years of smart, balls-to-the-wall training combined with good nutrtion and NO BOOZE. Then evaluate your goals and determine what to use to manipulate your hormones. Too many teenagers want the quick fix to get huge when they’re eating like shit and training chest and biceps five times a week. Educate yourself and you’ll reap the benefits in the long run.

Correct, a 16 year old should not use any type of androgen. Mainly because a 16 year old is not done developing naturally.