I’ve just finsihed a cycle of Androsol(2 weeks) and gained 9 pounds. I am also using a 4 week cycle (5 caps, 2X per day) of Tribex. I was thinking of trying a cycle of Nandrosol next. The BTS feedback has stopped and I was wondering if anyone has tried this regimen. Is it conceivable to gain that much on the second cycle. Just curious.
I posted a similar question about a week ago, and didn’t get any responses, so I’ll give you my two cents. Personally, I LOVED Androsol. Not only the results, but the over all feeling that I experienced while using it. For my last cycle, I decided to give Nandrosol a try, and hate to admit I was less than impressed. The gains may have been similar, (neither gave me the same gains as my very FIRST cycle of Androsol) but I just didn’t get that ‘pumped up’ feeling from it. I spoke to someone at Biotest, and they told me that Nandrosol generally does not give you that feeling of ‘well being’ that Androsol does, but is offered as an alternative with less potential for ‘side effects’. Personally, I did 3 cycles of Androsol, and saw ZERO side effects. I use Propecia every day, so no hair loss was noted, slight, if any, acne, and no problem with erections when I went off it. Of course I immediately switched to Tribex after my cycle. I’m sticking to Androsol in the future, and in fact returned two unused bottles of Nandrosol for exchange. I’d also like to hear anyone else’s results.