Andreas Munzer's Alleged Last Cycle

Many of you will be aware of this man and the cycle that he was allegedly on at the time of his death, the cycle information is from a good source and is accepted as correct by many people.

For those of you who have not seen this I think it is an interesting read, it blows the mind to try and contemplate just what the top BB put themselves through.

This is the last cycle that Andreas Munzer took before he died:

Weeks 1-10
captagon-- scheduled 1 drug in the US, meaning no legitimate medical use-- it is an amphetamine-type stimulant–

Weeks 1-5
500mg daily of test enanthate
152mg daily of parabolan
150mg daily of dianabol
150mg daily of halotestin
20 IU daily of HGH
20 IU daily of Insulin

Weeks 6-8
300mg daily of masteron
152mg daily of parabolan
250mg daily of winstrol tabs
150mg daily of halotestin
50mg daily of winstrol inj
24 IU daily of HGH

Weeks 9-10
200mg daily of masteron
100mg daily of winny inj
200mg daily of halotestin
400mg daily of winny tabs
24 IU daily of HGH
Insulin daily
IGF-1 daily

Days 1-3 leading up to show
aldactone, lasix

Cytadren abuse was a theory, but no autopsy was ever performed. This was a new release on his death:

March 1996 Munzer dies at 31.

After departing from a flight that took him from the US back to Germany, popular pro Andreas Munzer went into severe physical distress and died later at a local hospital from almost complete and total organ failure.

Some preliminary reports alleged that Munzer, a known steroid abuser, was taking a drug to thicken his blood (EPO - Erythropietin) in order to appear more vascular on the posing stage. Like blood doping, EPO promotes supercompensation of glycogen in the muscles. Cosmetically this is appealing to bodybuilders because they can appear as full as possible.

Sadly doctors believe that Munzer allowed himself to become too dehydrated in the process of using the drug. The interactions with other drugs he was taking, coupled with the long flight just made it worse. After landing and beginning to drink water again, his blood could not recover fast enough and it caused extensive organ failure.

Early reports that the 31 year old Munzer’s stomach exploded were false.
However, total organ failure, particularly congestive heart failure, causes distortion of body proportions and a distended belly.

Holy hell,

That’s just insane man. Interesting read EE.

My god, some people just go to EXTREMES eh?!!!

               Too bad.

Damn. 6.6g of AAS per week during the first 5 weeks…that is a little intense.

Wtf? How can you take that much and not expect to die? That’s sick…

I’m no buff on AAS, or any other drugs. My thinking is, what if you ran that same cycle on a horse, or some other large animal? What kind of results would you see? It’s probley enough drugs to kill a horse. I think a cycle like this takes years for the body to adapt to. One’s body will become immune to pain killers if taken everyday in extreme dosages.

I’ve heard storys of guys on thier death bed, and the only thing keeping them alive is the drugs. If the doc where to actually take a couple cc’s of what’s being injected into the addic, and injected it into a larger animal it would infact kill it. Just my thinking. I never thought it possable for the body to eat that much and still function…


What’s the source, EE? I have no reason to believe you don’t believe what you are printing, but some of those AAS dosages are fairly hard for me to swallow. Even if it is Munzer.

I think the reports are bullshit.

No one knows for sure what his cycle was.

If you look around, you’ll see reports of Ronnie taking shit like that.

Why in the hell would an IFBB pro tell dipshits like us what they were taking?

I have personally asked 3 IFBB pros what there cycles look like, and aside from telling me they like IGF, they just take what their “trainers” tell them to take. 2 of them didn’t even inject themselves.

Let the man rest in peace.

Word was he wrote out cycles like that to justify the amound of gear he had. Some guys do that much though,pretty crazy. He was bleeding internally and had surgery to stop it,during surgery his kidneys and liver failed and he refused a blood transfusion and died. It’s not known what caused the stomach pain and bleeding. Could have been the asparin that killed him.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
What’s the source, EE? I have no reason to believe you don’t believe what you are printing, but some of those AAS dosages are fairly hard for me to swallow. Even if it is Munzer.[/quote]

precisley why I wrote ‘alleged’ cycle, the actual cut and paste was from W Llewllynn’s Anabolics, but I also found the same cycle on some german site where it was claimed to have been written by a german doctor that was assisting him at the time, but that might have been where Llewllyn got the info from.

RJ, nobody is bad mouthing the guy, you say “let him rest in peace” should I stop listening to my Jimi Hendrix LP’s too? and let him rest in peace?

Why the valium? Was that only for personal pleasure or does it in some way help?

All in all this has been an interesting thread.

It definatley make’s you ponder what and how much the pro’s actually run!

Whether or not it’s accurate.

It bring’s me back to mohammed benazzizi
who died on stage from overuse of dieuretic’s.


it’s pretty sad if it’s true…you look at guys like coleman and such and think “fuck these guys look unhealthy”. I imagine most of them run a crap load of gear, peptides, and pharms just to keep them at that level and keep everything running.

i think the real problems start when you start mixing in all the pharms to try to even things out (ie valium cause you are so jacked on the stimulants and gear)…the more shit you add in the greater chance your body is just finally gonna give out.

diretics are without a doubt the most dangerous of the bunch, you put that much strain on your body/organs and then expect it to run without any fucking water in your system and you are asking to drop dead.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

Also “EPO causes supercompensation of glycogen in the muscles”. Not as far as I understand it , it doesn’t.


My understanding as well. EPO modulates a number of cell-cycle regulatory genes and causes a couple of cell signal pathways to up-regulate in ways that advance initiation of RBC production, but I don’t think it does anything like causing glycogen supercompensation.

More often than not it does give the users horrible headaches, though. Can’t imagine living that way by choice.

“EPO causes supercompensation of glycogen in the muscles”.

Just to clarify that was quoted from a new article of the time, not written by me :slight_smile:

I have a feeling that cycle is greatly exaggerated. I have talked to two pros, both top five olympians, and neither took even close to that amount of gear. Just my opinoin though, never the less a very sad story. Rest in peace Münzer.


I have a feeling that cycle is greatly exaggerated. I have talked to two pros, both top five olympians, and neither took even close to that amount of gear. Just my opinoin though, never the less a very sad story. Rest in peace Münzer.


Who knows really? If Munzer was on that much gear and was the size he was, how much would ronnie need to be on considering how much bigger he is?

I’m going to call bullshit on that cycle. Any cretin would know better than to use 6 grams a week.

If anything, I bet this “cycle” came from some sort of document he might have drawn up. My thought is that in said document he wrote down that exact cycle so as to justify having a large amount of gear, and thereby attempting to prevent a charge of possession with intent to distribute since he chalked it all up to personal use. In other words, I think he was just covering his ass in case he ran into legal trouble-- not such a bad idea if you can get away with it, especially seeing how the distribution standards become broader and broader.

That being said, may he rest in piece and continue to train in the big gym beyond the sky.


[quote]Electric_E wrote:
RJ, nobody is bad mouthing the guy, you say “let him rest in peace” should I stop listening to my Jimi Hendrix LP’s too? and let him rest in peace?

So you get as much enjoyment out of posting rumors as you do listening to Hendrix? Whatever floats your boat…

I never said anyone was bad mouthing Munzer. I just think it is stupid to be discussing a bogus cycle that a dead supposedly man made as if it means anything.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Electric_E wrote:
RJ, nobody is bad mouthing the guy, you say “let him rest in peace” should I stop listening to my Jimi Hendrix LP’s too? and let him rest in peace?

So you get as much enjoyment out of posting rumors as you do listening to Hendrix? Whatever floats your boat…

I never said anyone was bad mouthing Munzer. I just think it is stupid to be discussing a bogus cycle that a dead supposedly man made as if it means anything.


I think for levels of enjoyment, listening to Jimi justs pips it.

I thought that it would makean interesting discusson and would provide some intersting reading for newbs that was not aware of this man.
I am not spreading romours RJ, simply discussing the man and what was written about him at the time of his tragic deathif there is a heaven and he is looking down on this I am sure he will not mind us talking about him.