[quote]yolo84 wrote:
[quote]Hold Up wrote:
Put all my posts together…
But…I’ve seen lesser men, much less than half his size… that were non-lifters as you might call them… “support” 1000lbs. Plenty of guys Deadlifting in the 700s, Ricky D Crain wasnt too big (170s I think). So…with proper training… I’d say it would be possible for Andre to move some massive weight.
However… he got paid to wrestle, not risk damage and injury trying to be the strongest man.
For what its worth:
Ken Patera is regarded by quite a few as the strongest presser ever from the states. He described Andre as the “naturally strongest man he ever met” who could have made longstanding world records in the squat and dl with a focused lifestyle.
it is overly simplistic.
diminishing returns for one.
richard hawthorne can deadlift 610 x 4 and weighs 130lbs
doesn’t that mean that someone can deadlift 1220 x 4 if they weigh 260lbs? or that brian shaw the worlds strongest man who weighs around 450lbs can deadlift 1500lbs or something?
in fact brian shaw is a good example - 6’8 450lbs full of drugs and spent his entire life weight training. hes never gonna break a squat or deadlift world record.
add in the fact there is no evidence of andre once in his entire life even performing these lifts it is a big jump to say he could likely break the world record in them.
in addition he clearly had physical problems related to his extreme size. to simply assume he would have zero mobility or joint issues attempting to do any of this is ridiculous.
i am surprised that on a site like this people cannot seem to grasp this stuff. its pretty basic. [/quote]
Dont be such a hater. No one is arguing for a linear comparison.
True, there is NO evidence for any of his strength or even potential strength other than possibly moving around small cars. But he Was a Natural 500lb guy. No mobility? Try watching some of his earlier wrestling days. Give someone like him lifting experience, friendly pharmaceuticals, and some modern lifting gear…