I am finally going over to the dark side and could use some in put between Anavar and Clenbuterol.
I am 36 years old, 6 foot 300lbs with a 46 inch waist. I have been lifting for about 15 years with about 2 years off here and there (shoulder surgery, elbow probs and so on, mostly from lifting heavy all the time). My diet is solid ( I swear if I eat another chicken breast I am going grow freaking feathers!!) and do cardio the 4 days I dont lift
I have read up on a lot of the roids and cant find much more to help me decide which one I want to go with. I was going to get the oral and decided if I am going to do it, why do it have assed so I am going to shoot Clen and take pills of Anavar).
From what I gathered I would want to take about 60 mg per day (20 in morning, 20 in afternoon and 20 at night) of Anavar. As for the Clen, I havent come across a good amount yet.
This is my first time taking anything like this (I took Cytomel about a year ago with no real loss, I got scared about the Goiter side effect (after I met someone with one!!) so really am trying to do my research.
My goal is to get down to a 40 inch waist, or lose about 40 lbs, what ever way ya want to look at it.
SO what do you think Anavar ( and is the dose about right?)or Clen., and how much Clen??
[quote]B0nzz wrote:
I am finally going over to the dark side and could use some in put between Anavar and Clenbuterol.
I am 36 years old, 6 foot 300lbs with a 46 inch waist. I have been lifting for about 15 years with about 2 years off here and there (shoulder surgery, elbow probs and so on, mostly from lifting heavy all the time). My diet is solid ( I swear if I eat another chicken breast I am going grow freaking feathers!!) and do cardio the 4 days I dont lift
I have read up on a lot of the roids and cant find much more to help me decide which one I want to go with. I was going to get the oral and decided if I am going to do it, why do it have assed so I am going to shoot Clen and take pills of Anavar).
From what I gathered I would want to take about 60 mg per day (20 in morning, 20 in afternoon and 20 at night) of Anavar. As for the Clen, I havent come across a good amount yet.
This is my first time taking anything like this (I took Cytomel about a year ago with no real loss, I got scared about the Goiter side effect (after I met someone with one!!) so really am trying to do my research.
My goal is to get down to a 40 inch waist, or lose about 40 lbs, what ever way ya want to look at it.
SO what do you think Anavar ( and is the dose about right?)or Clen., and how much Clen??
Losing 40lbs is a shitload of weight,you could probebly get most of the weight down natural.You wouldnt really need to take anavar or clen at this time try dieting properly read articles on dieting first.I bet you could lose most of it without using anabolic steriods.However clen only works for about 2weeks then it looses its effects so that would be pointless in a way as you need to shift 40lbs which is a heck of alot.
Anavar,i wouldnt bother with it because it will take you probebly 8-10 months to shift 40lbs and you shouldnt use anavar for that long atleast wait until you only have about 20lbs to lose?
Your stats indicate that you are rather large and a 40" waist is pretty big indeed,so sounds like you have a very high bf inwhich you need to bring down with some tough dieting first pal,these anabolic tools should be left unitl later.
[quote]B0nzz wrote:
I am finally going over to the dark side and could use some in put between Anavar and Clenbuterol.
I am 36 years old, 6 foot 300lbs with a 46 inch waist. I have been lifting for about 15 years with about 2 years off here and there (shoulder surgery, elbow probs and so on, mostly from lifting heavy all the time). My diet is solid ( I swear if I eat another chicken breast I am going grow freaking feathers!!) and do cardio the 4 days I dont lift
I have read up on a lot of the roids and cant find much more to help me decide which one I want to go with. I was going to get the oral and decided if I am going to do it, why do it have assed so I am going to shoot Clen and take pills of Anavar).
From what I gathered I would want to take about 60 mg per day (20 in morning, 20 in afternoon and 20 at night) of Anavar. As for the Clen, I havent come across a good amount yet.
This is my first time taking anything like this (I took Cytomel about a year ago with no real loss, I got scared about the Goiter side effect (after I met someone with one!!) so really am trying to do my research.
My goal is to get down to a 40 inch waist, or lose about 40 lbs, what ever way ya want to look at it.
SO what do you think Anavar ( and is the dose about right?)or Clen., and how much Clen??
You could get some blood work done to see if there are any problems with E or thyroid. And it is good to know your FT and TT levels, if only to get a baseline. You can get that blood work done on your own as well. You do not want to ignore the implications of fat and E or low thyroid levels. If you are eating more calories than you are burning off, gaining weight should be expected, even with a “clean diet”.
Take note of fasting blood sugar levels. And if there is any diabetes in the family, or heart problems with those who have apple shaped bellies, then get fasting insulin levels checked as well.
Homocysteine and CRP levels will indicate the levels of any inflammatory processes in your arteries.
Agreed. Losing 6 inches off the wasit and 40lbs is not the place and purpose of using gear or even clen.
Dial in your diet. As aforementioned check for Thyroid or other medical conditions that could be handicapping you.
I have been on a clean diet since January ( with about two weeks off of chicken breasts and had some red meat in place of chicken) but have been damn good. The diet I have been following is with a supposed body weight of 260. I am eating about 2,600 cals, 260 gs of protein (two of which are shakes and one Met rx the rest chincken and tuna), 120 g?s of carbs, a couple cups of greens and so on to give you the short and NO added salt or anything that basically taste?s good.
Last January (05) I was pushing about 360 lbs coming off a 6 month lay off because of shoulder surgery. Needless to say a lot of Ho Hos and little Debbie?s
Now cold I have 19 ? arms with a 53inch back (all the way around or 24inch from lat to lat) So I have some size and when I tell people I am 310 now they always say bull5hit.
I lift 3 times a week hell or high water and do cardio 3 times a week. For work, I am on my feet about 60 hrs a week walking around ( I used a pedometer once and it said about 8 miles on average day)
My idea for juicing is two fold, as an inherit side effect (from what I have gathered) is they raise you body temp a little. This in theory would burn some extra fat. The second is resting metabolism rate. More muscle would equal more calories burned.
Tremors, sweats and not sleeping I can deal with for a month…
I have been stuck at my current weight for about a month and am just looking for a boost and would stick to my work outs and diet.
The blood work is a a damn good idea and I will get that done as well.
OK, you have already lost 50 lbs, but the losses have stopped.
What has happened is that your body has adjusted to the lower calorie intake by lowering your BMR, so you are now in balance.
You need to up the calories for a while again (I suggest using fat for most of this, rather than lots of carbs) before cutting back again.
I would increase to around 3500 cals/day for a couple of weeks, then try dropping this by 1000 for a couple of days, then back up to 3500 for a day, and so on. You should find this works better than constant low cal dieting. You can also try carb cycling. Try 50g of carbs on 1 of your low cal days, 100g non the other low cal day and 200g on the high cal day.
Clenbuterol is not a steroid, and can most certainly kill you dead, if taken in sufficiently large dose. Considering that the dose window for clen is in the region of 20-100 mcg (millionths of a gram), that’s not such an unrealistic prospect… Also, clen will likely give you tremors, and sweats as well as possible insomnia. Sound like fun?
I’ve heard all of these emaciated Hollywood whores (Paris Hilton et al) are taking clen like it’s nothing, and are starting to drop like flies… so yeah, it’s rough when taken on a whim.
bronchiodialator vs “steroid” 2 different ballparks brother. You should be thinking Clen vs Ephederine or maybe anavar vs winstrol. Anavar is good for hardening the allready “cut” physic. Winstrol carries a high price tag but Ive grown to love it…greatly. If I were you, I’d take the advice of Bushboy and go light with some ephederine. Trust me brother…If you don’t know what your natural capabilities are, It makes it hard as hell to put an effective cycle together. Get lean with a good diet and bring us some specs. We will get you there. Now get on the fucking treadmill!! LOL!