Hi guys,just need some advice on starting off with my first cycle…i am 22 and i weigh 165lbs with a height of 5’8 inch.Heard a lot about anavar being good for cutting down,as i really want to cut down a bit…no goals of becoming too huge…just preserving lean muscle…so i want to know how far does anavar help in cutting down and at what dosage…
Here we go again…
Anavar obviously is an effective compound but how effective it is will depend on many factors. You assume it’s just going to magically do all the work for you?
Var only cycle, not the smartest idea either but not the worst I suppose.
not magically obviously…diet and stuff has to be maintained but still…my interest is to see if an 8 week cycle will actually bring about a decent change in the way my body…
Try it, report back, personally I’d at least add test but do what you want
you’ll probably find your wallet sheds a few pounds. Not too much else’ll happen.
[quote]Yogi wrote:
you’ll probably find your wallet sheds a few pounds. Not too much else’ll happen.[/quote]
But what if he uses a credit card
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
[quote]Yogi wrote:
you’ll probably find your wallet sheds a few pounds. Not too much else’ll happen.[/quote]
But what if he uses a credit card
it’ll shrink, thus rendering it useless for chip and pin machines. Credit card atrphy is a real concern on cycle.
Bad idea. Firstly, doing your first steroid cycle just for cutting purposes is a waste of good steroids. Second test should always be the base of a steroid cycle regardless of your goals.
I’m sure this is all in a sticky somewhere on here but in short your body will shut down it’s natural production of test when you start taking an exogenous steroid. You don’t want to have no test in your system.
Anavar is going to be pretty pricey too. If you wanted to do a first cycle with the goal of cutting it should probably be test with a low dose AI and only anavar as an add-on. If you’re thinking of using anavar becuz it’s an oral and you don’t want to pin then stop right there because your heading down a dark and winding path you are best to just avoid.
If you just want to cut get some clen or T3/T4 and a good diet. The only ppl that should be running a steroid cutting cycle IMO are pros that juice all the time and are prepping for a show.
What is your logic in thinking that only pros that are competing and juice all the time should be the only ones cutting on cycle?
my buddy is on week 3 of his anavar and is beffudled why the gains have stopped with only 50 mg’s a day
If you wanna cut I would be aggressive with diet and do an ECA (ephedrine-caffeine aspirin) stack. Cheap effective, and OTC, you kind buy ephedrine OTC at pharmacies as primatene of bronkaid.
Steroids are much more of a commitment than munching pills, you never take just one drug, and if you arent willing to pin test I’d wager you are going to have a bad time.
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
What is your logic in thinking that only pros that are competing and juice all the time should be the only ones cutting on cycle?[/quote]
Money and commitment. Steroids are great for gaining muscle and bulking. Can you use them for cutting? Sure but they’re costly and wrought with more complexities than just popping a diet pill for a few months.
It’s not going to be true for everyone I suppose but I’m going with the assumption that if you’re using them for cutting you would logically use them for bulking prior to that. Once you’ve decided to take the plunge to juiceland I don’t see using them for cutting but not for bulking.
I’ll retract the “pros” part of my statement and say it only makes sense for a frequent user. Once you are using them for cutting you’ll want to use them for bulking and if you use them for both when are you ever not going to be on?
I suppose if you have plenty of money to burn then go for it.
I think that Var only cycles are only for women. If you truly want to use
Var you should stack it with some Test. Otherwise, like most said, almost a waste of time, steroids and mostly money. But if you’re rich and can do 100mg-200mg/day of Var, have at her…
22 5’8 165
You don’t need var… you need torso rotations, alot of cardio, and high rep resistance training.
[quote]justsaynotoketo wrote:
22 5’8 165 [/quote]
You don’t need var… you need torso rotations, alot of intense cardio, high rep resistance training.