Hi all,
I have decided to try a cycle of anavar, and I’d like to check and see if what I’m doing seems like the right way to go about things. I’m 26, been training for a few years and weigh 185lbs. Not exactly huge at 5 foot 11 but I used to weigh 130lbs so I’m quite happy with what I’ve accomplished. Happiest day of my life was getting my BMI to “overweight”
The cycle is going to be anavar only. From what I’ve read it seems like you make much better gains if you stack it with test, but I’m not too keen on injecting myself, at least not yet. My main reason for not wanting to pin myself is that I’m a pussy and I’m too scared, but also my girlfriend would freak out if she thought I was injecting! And I mean seriously freak out. I’m not ruling it out completely, but I’m not there yet.
Besides, var sounds kinda cool even if it isn’t the best for gaining loads of mass. From what I’ve heard it sounds like it does a really good job of leaning you out and providing good, hard muscle gains (with no water retention or anything). I’ve also read that I shouldn’t expect gains of more than a few pounds but as far as I’m concerned, a few pounds is nothing to sniff at!
I am planning on running 50mg daily for 5 weeks, so I guess my first question is: does that dose sound about right?
Second question: is that cycle length alright? I’m not averse to taking more or running it for longer if need be.
Third question: For my PCT I am planning on running clomid for 3 weeks taking 50mg a day for the first 2 weeks, and then 25mg for the 3rd. Sound ok?
Also, is it really as bad to drink booze when you’re taking var as people say? I like a drink as much as the next man but I’ll lay off it for the duration of the cycle if need be.
That’s it for my questions. Very noob-ish I know, but we all had to start somewhere I guess.
Thanks for reading and I appreciate any help you can give.