Have heard so much on Anavar! Is it the best way to cut away bodyfat? What about this Carbolin 19? Is it just another big craze that is on the market. Let me know what the rumors are adout it! MCD
ummm, you realize Anavar or oxandrolone is an illegal (in the US) anabolic steroid and that it’s been around for a long time, right? No sarcasm or malice intended, just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.
Read up the steroid articles, some of them talk about Anavar. Wether warranted or not, anavar often has a street rep as a “chick” drug and for cutting bodyfat.
I’d check out Steroids for Dummies and everythiing else Cy Wilson ever wrote. Also, there was a question in the Carbolin 19 thread about the comparison with Anavar that Tim or TC or someone answered.
Here’s Anavar’s profile per Steroids For Dummies:
Oxandrolone (sold as oxandrolone powder or Oxandrolona)
This is yet another 17-AA. It won’t aromatize but appears as though it will bind to the AR as long as the dosages are high enough. It has a reputation for increasing strength gains, as well as having a “hardening” effect. This is supported somewhat, as oxandrolone was shown to reduce subcutaneous fat to a greater degree than Testosterone. Whether this is an inherent property of all 17-AA steroids or an effect that’s unique to oxandrolone, I’m not sure.
Oxandrolone, along with most of the other synthetic steroids, are thought to be equally (if not more) anabolic than Testosterone on a milligram per milligram basis, while minimizing androgenic side effects. Oxandrolone was shown to have approximately six times the anabolic effect of methyltestosterone in human subjects, following oral doses. Oxandrolone may also increase the number of skeletal muscle androgen receptors.
In clinical settings, dosages have ranged from 1.25 to 80 mg per day. Bodybuilders may take anywhere from 25 to 160 mg per day. The half-life is approximately nine hours.
I’m going to hijack and add a question. I’ve always kind of had an interest in anavar because the literature I’ve read looks on it so favorably. So…
What’s the lowest dose that would be worthwhile?
Would low double digit or even single digit mg doses make a noticeable impact? Would they still shut down endogenous T-production?
Hijack over
Yes! We are on the same page. Thanks for the information. Ty
I think you’d have minimal shutdown on 20 mgs ed, and it would yeild some worthwhile results. Ie. nice strength gains and vascularity.
30mg of anavar seemed to work well for me…I ran this for the last 5 five weeks of an eq/test cycle and definitely noticed improved vascularity and muscle hardness.
Anavar has been proven as a steroid that can increase LBM and reduce fat. One thing you should know though, is it is one of the most expensive orals out there, a cycle of 4 weeks @ 40mg/ed can cost 200-300 bucks.
As for the question about doseage. If you are running Anavar with other steroids such as test as a way to cut at the end of a cycle, you could probably get away with 20-30mg/ed. If you are running it on your own you would need 40-80mg/ed. Seems like anything over 80mg/ed doesn’t give better results, so no need to go higher.
Anavar is not a mass building drug. However, most people notice increased vascularity in about 6 days and incredible pumps after about 3 or 4. Strength gains seem to come in after about 14 days, but they aren’t noticeable. From what I have heard you don’t feel stronger, but when you add more weight you find that you are stronger.
As for supression, anavar is a steroid and it will supress you to some degree no matter the dose. However, it’s not nearly as bad as many other drugs so something like 50mg/ed of clomid for 2 weeks should be fine.
Hope this helps.
[quote]SprinterOne wrote:
Anavar has been proven as a steroid that can increase LBM and reduce fat. One thing you should know though, is it is one of the most expensive orals out there, a cycle of 4 weeks @ 40mg/ed can cost 200-300 bucks.
As for the question about doseage. If you are running Anavar with other steroids such as test as a way to cut at the end of a cycle, you could probably get away with 20-30mg/ed. If you are running it on your own you would need 40-80mg/ed. Seems like anything over 80mg/ed doesn’t give better results, so no need to go higher.
Anavar is not a mass building drug. However, most people notice increased vascularity in about 6 days and incredible pumps after about 3 or 4. Strength gains seem to come in after about 14 days, but they aren’t noticeable. From what I have heard you don’t feel stronger, but when you add more weight you find that you are stronger.
As for supression, anavar is a steroid and it will supress you to some degree no matter the dose. However, it’s not nearly as bad as many other drugs so something like 50mg/ed of clomid for 2 weeks should be fine.
Hope this helps.
ThankYou for your time in awnsering my question. The information u gave will help a bunch! Ty
Can you add anavar into the end of a cycle kind of as a winstrol replacement? Especially if winstrol causes u joint pain or accelerated hairloss?
I love VAR. I have used it 3 times. The first 2X at 40 MGS a day. I won’t do Anadrol due to the shitty sides (blood pressure) DBOL kills my lower back. VAR is the perfect oral for me, although I might give Turnibol a shot down the road. By the way I never saw a steroid until I was well over 40.
I am finishing the last 4 weeks of my 12 week cycle with 60 MGS of VAR ED, and Test Prop 100 MGS/Tren A 75 MGS EOD, what a difference the VAR and Tren make, in vascularity and strength gains!! VAR may be expensive, but for this older guy I think its the right choice as far as orals go. I won’t run it past 4 weeks though, great to kick off or finish a cycle. Also, I think I am done with long acting esters. The prop and Tren A sting like a MFer, but I have no bloat and virtually no sides except some Trensomina. Good luck.
I thought that var was mild enough to not need any pct?
That’s sorta subjective,and sounds like bro-telligence more then anything NOt fact. ANYway, any cycle should have pct for a quicker recovery. However, it’s not absolutely necessary. It’ll just take longer to recover and who want’s that.
thanks WG
I just wanted to clarify and make sure nobody here was getting the real deal Anavar mixed up with Anavar made by Hi-Tech Pharmacuticals.
It’s lame attempt to trick customers into thinking they are buying what they have heard people rave about online, when really all they are buying is a creatine.
Good Deal. Peace
[quote]WideGuy wrote:
That’s sorta subjective,and sounds like bro-telligence more then anything NOt fact. ANYway, any cycle should have pct for a quicker recovery. However, it’s not absolutely necessary. It’ll just take longer to recover and who want’s that.[/quote]
I’m not sure if thats right WG. Var creates very little negative feedback, and has little effect on your own natural testosterone production. As long as the cycle is short, your GnRH shouldn’t be suppressed. This is why it’s easy to keep any gains you make when on a Var cycle.
I conducted a Var-only experiment at the New Year, I cycled up to doses of 120mgED over a period of 8 weeks. At these levels Var is quite potent, though I did experience really bad back pumps. After the cycle I didn’t require any PCT and there was no drop in strength.
In my experience I’d say that 40-60mg ED would yield excellent results. Definitely my favorite oral.
as anyone done a var only cycle with 5mg/day???
[quote]squash wrote:
as anyone done a var only cycle with 5mg/day???[/quote]
Unless you are female, 5mg ED is not going to produce any results. No AAS will really produce results at such small dosages.
Well tone, I do appreciate that feedback and that’s actually really interesting and something to consider as I’m enjoying my first real run at var (used it in a taper in the past at 20 mg ed). However, and don’t take this as a bash, unless you had comparative bloodwork after the cyle and then after the exact same cycle with pct it would be hard to say. Alot of guys can base their feelings of being “recovered” on physical syptoms ie.
I can get wood, my loads are bigger or normal, I’m energetic, my nuts have dropped back down ect. but without bloodwork it’s pretty hard to say. I will say this I think that if there are ANY compounds that I would try to use and consider not using pct it would be var or primo.
getting back to your original post about Carbolin 19. I did it for about 2 months (2 bottles total) followed by a month of HOT-ROX. During the Carbolin 19 I noticed a shift in body weight from my midsection to my muscles. I felt stronger (maybe placebo effect) and got more wood than normal (I jack off about 2x/day as is which I upped to 3x/day to control the spontanious wood).
It was during rugby season so I noticed u huge difference from the bronchodialatory effect. I looked noticable leaner and I added some size to my shoulders, back, and chest (not a lot but noticable size). My weight stayed roughly the same but my waist got smaller. I had switched my workouts up to full body workouts with much more emphasis on super sets which could account for the leaning out and increase in muscle or maybe it was just rugby but I still think that it had a pretty positive effect.
I continued to put a little size on with the HOT-ROX (maybe just the Carbolin 19 still in my system, I don’t know), Overall I lost 10lbs during the month of HOT-ROX (from 225lbs down to 215lbs), dropped 2 belt sizes, and my shirts felt much tighter.
I have to say i was pretty impressed but since I live in canada it costs about as much for Carbolin 19 as it does for Var ;)…jk…but not really.
I would def recommend it if you are thinking of a mild Var cycle as you might get similar results with less sides, less money, and no legal issues.
Happy lifting