Anavar and Zoloft

Hi! I am about to start Anavar and was wondering if takes it while on Zoloft? Zoloft (50 mg)is the only medication I take on a regular basis and don’t want any bad interactions. Thanks.

Well, you will certainly experience some libido issues… My friends who use Zoloft described it as dick in the dirt as far as libido, it’s like trying to stuff a sock into a coke can. Add to oit an AAS that will also sut down your natural test levels and I think you will not see an erection for sometime.

My GUESS is that Adex would help eliminate the Anavar sides and I am not sure how to combat the libido effects of Zoloft as I don’t know how it effects the body beit dopamine antagist or estrogem related??? Either listerfan or Bushy would be best suited to answer this.

Hope this helps…

Talk to your doctor. Since he/she will probably demonize the use of AAS, ask him/her for proof to back up whatever statements they come up with.

SSRI’s are powerful drugs, as are AAS… Even anavar.

[quote]Randizo wrote:
Well, you will certainly experience some libido issues… My friends who use Zoloft described it as dick in the dirt as far as libido, it’s like trying to stuff a sock into a coke can. Add to oit an AAS that will also sut down your natural test levels and I think you will not see an erection for sometime.

My GUESS is that Adex would help eliminate the Anavar sides and I am not sure how to combat the libido effects of Zoloft as I don’t know how it effects the body beit dopamine antagist or estrogem related??? Either listerfan or Bushy would be best suited to answer this.

Hope this helps…[/quote]

I dont know anything about SSRI’s but I do know that adex wont do jack to help this situation. Anavar doesn’t aromatize. Low estrogen may become a problem. Adex will make it worse, if that situation arises.

Bonez, good point… Could he use something in the way of Cialis???

[quote]Randizo wrote:
Bonez, good point… Could he use something in the way of Cialis???[/quote]

Cialis will probably help with the physical but it’ll do nothing for the mental. I don’t really know enough about SSRI’s but I hear they kill libido, not just cause ED.

A good ol dose of internet porn and Cialis makes for a great weekend!

haha…chill everyone. as for now I don’t have that problem and I hope not to get it. I have been taking Zoloft for over a year and I don’t have any problem with that. I was wondering more about the mental or if it will have any effect on my heat or something like that. Thanks for the feedback so far.

If you are good on the physical sides then I don’t see any issues, but I am not a doctor. Taylor Hooton who used both as a young kid and ended up becoming suicidal, and finally actually committed suicide. Just something to keep in mind. You can Google him if you like and see what I mean.

Best of luck either way!

I’d honestly consult a doctor even if hypothetically speaking…