Anavar and Alcohol

Heading to see friends for an alcohol induced weekend. It will be a shit show haha

I’ve been on an anavar only for 6 weeks. Seeing good results from it too. As an update, I’m only taking 15 mg a day. Nothing too crazy.

Should I stop taking it two days before drinking? One day?

What are your thoughts?

How do I reply on this thread? I dont see a reply option.

I don’t know how to reply on here but I just wanna thank everyone for their advice. For the past 2 months I have eaten clean and not consumed alcohol at all and that was before I started anavar. This trip is like a reward and I timed it so that I wouldn’t be on anavar a week before and
At least six weeks after depending on what my bloodwork says after I return.

It has a short half life so a couple days and it will be out but the concern would be how much stress you have already put on your kidneys and liver in the last 6 weeks. I would try to limit drinking and take a long break once you have your fun. Get bloods done after a couple months before you go on any gear again to see where you are at.


Don’t want to lecture you but you shouldn’t be drinking on orals, period. Your AST/ALT and lipids are jacked up for sure on Anavar and stopping for a few days before drinking won’t change that. Make a commitment to yourself to plan ahead and not drink alcohol within a month of an oral cycle. But hey, it’s your lifespan.

Sounds like a commitment to the contrary has already been made!!! :rofl:

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If you plan on drinking, and want to be safer for your organs, stop the anavar a few days out and stay off it for a few days after. I am guessing that you are close to the end of the cycle at 6 weeks anyways, right?

Other’s here are giving you what is ideal, and I agree with that. I also recognize that lots of people including pro BBers don’t follow those rules. The recent winner of the WSM posted that he had a couple large beers the night before the WSM, and I am assuming he was loaded up on orals. Ronnie Coleman has videos saying he would take shots of Vodka before competition to dry him out.

You are also only on 15 mg/day of Anavar. I think you will most likely be fine, but stop the Anavar a few days out just to be careful.

The way the liver gets damaged is usually by repeatedly processing out more toxins than it can handle. Basically it is like an overuse injury. If breaks are taken that allow it to recover, or the frequency of times it is processing out more than it can handle are low, most people will be fine. My point is give your liver as long of break as possible before hand, and don’t go right from binge drinking back to oral steroids.

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Respectfully disagree, especially since its a “binge weekend” and not a few shots of vodka or a few beers. Hope it works out

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Disagree on what? That he will most likely be fine if he gives the Anavar a rest a few days before and after the weekend?

I’ve seen a lot crazier shit than this IRL. Have you ever seen the show intervention? It is crazy what the human body can survive. Like people drinking 4 handles (a 1.75 L of hard liquor) a day for years on end (Tommy Lee claims he did this). Some of those people appear to get clean and not pay the piper so to speak as far as major liver damage. This seems mild in comparison.

IDK, I could be wrong. Just seems like many people do much crazier stuff and get away with it. Maybe they will all die early or have liver issue down the road, IDK.

Is it safe, no. Is it crazy dangerous, I don’t think so.


I’ll be the hardliner here. Yes, you have made a commitment. When you started AAS to improve your physique, I consider that a commitment. If you want to excel in that endeavor, alcohol takes a back seat. Someone needs to take the “designated driver” role. That should be your role.

To excel at optimizing your physique you will find that she is a jealous bitch. She doesn’t like taking the back seat for anyone or anything. I can find no rationale for getting drunk. But that’s just me. When I was training to optimize my physique and I went out with friends to the bars, I would “nurse” a single long neck beer all night long. I believe you’re either all in, or you’re half assing it.

Bottom line: You will do what you want to do. I will agree with your choice, as it is yours.

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I never said it was “crazy dangerous” just that I would recommend not doing it.

This genetleman doesnt know the condition of his organs, because he isn’t testing. Will he live? Sure. But at what cost? The smart way to do AAS is to use least effective dosages, monitor health thru regular bloodwork, perfect diet, cardio and SACRIFICING things like binge weekends for the sake of ones health.

Frankly, because ‘Tommy Lee drank x amount and lived’ is no justification for the lack of discipline, recklessness and immaturity displayed by binging alcohol while on orals.

Hey, no reason to get angry - just my opinion.


That is fair. The way I took the initial post is “hey, I am binge drinking this weekend, and I am also on Anavar, what should I do”. It didn’t sound like the weekend of party was even being considered as something he wouldn’t do. I based my recommendation of stop Anavar as far out as you can, and don’t continue it after the party weekend based off of that.

I’d also be more stern with OP if he was on 100 mg of Anadrol, vs 15 mg/day Anavar. He is likely in range on his kidney and liver blood labs as is (not for sure, but many would be on that dose and for that duration).

I fully agree. Although I hear a lot about minimum effective dosage. IDK what that means. Like is anyone upset that they gained more muscle at the end of a cycle / blast than they had planned for? We know in general if the diet and training support gaining that more AAS will produce more gains (almost always).

I’d say that balancing risk and reward when coming up with what one plans to take is a better way of putting it. I am pretty conservative (risk adverse). I’ve used orals in the past just Anavar and Tbol (well also ~3 days of Anadrol until I couldn’t stand the acid reflux anymore), but I don’t think I am interested in them anymore. It will probably just be Test for me. It’s been over a year since I was outside of TRT doses. But for me the reward of being huge or strong AF isn’t as important to me as it once was. I’d like more so to have a physique that resembles that of Frank Zane (probably won’t get there haha, he was a Mr. O after all).

I guess my point is that I wasn’t trying to be all that confrontational. I agreed with what others were saying. Just that I didn’t think OP was going to listen to that, so I balanced my reply on that.

All good. We may not always agree on every point but at the end of the day we are all here trying to learn/share for the betterment of our lives

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F that. I am just trying to get huge and shredded. J/k. :joy: Or am I?


Back when I didn’t know anything about any of this, we use to do high dose testosterone + Var + Tren + anadrol while partying every weekend, Vegas every weekend during the summer. Never checked BP, no blood work, no AI, just raging lol. Wicked hangovers. Last time I was drunk or did a drug was 2016. Today, organs look fine, blood work is good, overall healthy and much smarter lol. If I can survive 15 years of this, he can survive a weekend.

That said, it’s not a great idea and certainly not healthy. But it’s not instant death either


I enjoy drinking but will do it maybe once a month now while on 50mg of Var. If i do drink i wont blackout or go overboard like I would while on my cruise doses.

If i do drink i usually feel like shit after which makes me say dont do it. Im on 50mg Anadrol now and i forsure wont drink on it until i am off my blast.

While drinking is fun, you have to remember you are wasting your time, consider your health, and keep your goals in mind.