Basically this is a poll as I was curious as to which most people would choose in this exact scenario. I’m just an average dude, not competing and I’m not a model.
First off, I’m on TRT.
OK, so I asked a question recently about Anavar and Winstrol, but now I realize that I asked the wrong questions as answers came in and as I thought about it more. I have a new plan now. I also found out something since then that I didn’t know before.
So I’m on TRT, like I said, and currently have both Anavar and Winstrol, which I will not be taking at the same time. I’m cutting down on a strict calorie deficit right now with just the TRT. I will be doing this until probably late April/early May, which would get me down to where taking Anavar or Winstrol on a Surplus will maximize the benefits as I know my body fat % should be good to go. I found out recently that in mid August I will be going to a reunion at a lake resort, so I have that extra boost of motivation. I was going to do one of them soon anyways, but now I have that specific date to where I have set my goal for. Hey, nothing wrong with wanting to look my best.
And since I know this will be stated if I don’t point them out first: my diet will be in check, I will be taking liver support, getting labs done and have a great doctor who’s a leader in the sports science field overseeing everything. I’m just not sure which one to choose first. Whichever one I do choose, I will be doing the other after the appropriate amount of time, labs, etc.
And for this question and please please just play along. It will help me understand what Im wondering: don’t take into account Winstrol’s negative affects on the liver compared to Anavar or on joints. Just an even playing field between the two.
My question (finally): which of these two would you choose to do prior to the reunion if you could only choose between these two? Now obviously if I really wanted to bulk up and add more mass I would be asking about something else. And remember, I’m on TRT too. Thanks
If it were me, I’d double the testosterone and take 30mg of Winstrol a day starting 12 weeks before the reunion. IMO, Winstrol is better for muscle belly volume.
Personally, I might stack the 30mgs of Winstrol with 20mgs of Anavar for the last 6 weeks. You still need at least 200mgs of testosterone per week.
I don’t have experience with Winstrol. Had some and actually threw it away do to the negative side effects people commonly experienced on this board. I used Anavar instead and it was just dandy although HDL did suffer. So, just me, I would agree with @RT_Nomad on the 200mg/wk test but I would personally choose the var. Outside of HDL drop its pretty friendly.
Haven’t tried Winny. I have tried anavar. Didn’t do much for me. Off topic, but I did like tbol. It gave me what I expected anavar to do. Athletic performance, a bit of strength and the ability to grind out an extra rep. With test and tbol, I had a pretty full but not watery look.
I’d run tbol over Winny, but Winny is probably a bit stronger.
I do have 50mg of both Anavar and Winstrol - enough to do 12 weeks of both. I was only going to do 8 weeks of the Winstrol though. I’ve never done Winstrol before but I’ve done Anavar several times for 12 weeks (and why I posted the question). It’s great to hear that 30mg of Winstrol is good enough. Would 25mg be enough so that I would be able to do another 12 week cycle later on?
Anytime I did a contest I took orals 11 weeks and a few days. I quit all orals by Wednesday before the contest. I am not saying it is safe. It is just what we did way back when.
I would think that 25mg/day of Winstrol would still be effective.
I should add that I typically did 8 week cycles, with 4 to 6 weeks off. The only time I did a 12 week cycle was for the contest that I picked out that year to look my best. I did a few shows every year in a tad less than my best conditioning. 12 week cycles were only for national level competition.
I believe that he did say to take for 12 weeks and add Anavar for the last 6 weeks. Am I correct Nomad? This is something that I wanted to post as a new topic actually because I don’t understand how this is debated when it’s something that can be proven that you can indeed do this. There is a BUT of course. But if you don’t have preexisting issues. I have a very good doctor who told me that I could take 50mg of Anavar for 12 weeks based on my labs. I was skeptical because so many people on here said exactly what you just did. I trusted him and have now done it 3 times with zero issues. My labs looked great after all 3 times. And this was without liver support medication or supplements. After that, I trusted him even more. So why is there such this definitive belief that you can’t do this when healthy people can? And can be proven true? And when people did state this they never followed it up with…unless your labs looked good prior to doing it. It was just YOU CAN’T DO IT PERIOD! Is this also a matter of getting high quality orals along with being healthy? My doctor actually told me that I can take Winstrol for 12 weeks as well, but like I said, I have never used it before.
It’s not that you “cant” it’s just unwise. We all know people who smoke a pack a day and drink themselves silly. Some live to 90 anyway. Does that mean it’s wise to test your luck? You’re not likely to keel over immediately after trying extended orals. But we also see a lot of escalation here where you simply are lying to yourself if you think you will try this once. Extended orals are harmful.
Yes, this is what I meant. I should have been clearer.
We had believed (and I still do) that the rate of progress taking AAS’s declines over time. We believed that the cell binding sites hardened to AAS’s. I seemed to notice the decline about 6 weeks into a cycle. That is one of the reasons that I limited most of my cycles to 8 weeks. But for contests I wanted to be “on” a little longer, so I did 12 week cycles, but at the end of 6 or 7 weeks I increased the AAS dosage. That is why I would add the Anavar the last 6 weeks.
I am not saying I am correct in my assumptions, or that the increased dosage is safe. I am just saying that is how I addressed what I saw as a problem.
I’m surprised any doctor would recommend 10x therapeutic doses for that length of time. Var is effective at 2.5-5mg, and even at that dose the impact on labs is noticeable. This idea that super dosing them is “safe” isn’t realistic; it’s safe-ER than other options, but that’s it.