It occurs to me, after a comment from my wife last evening, that maybe my bodyfat is redistributing itself somehow? Does that happen?
I have been pretty much out of the gym completely since Februry bc of a rotator cuff, and my own stubborness not wanting to work around it.
Went back Tuesday, and it is feeling awesome to lift anything!
I am doing treadmill, seated rows, and some dumbbell work for chest, plus upper arm stuff thus far. I’ll add very light stuff as I progress. Have a referral for an ortho doc in about a month I think it is.
My personal dr said it isn’t torn (rotator cuff), but that it is a tendon thing the name of which I can’t remember. So it ought not require surgery. I’ll forecast some PT. fine, whatever. Meanwhile, I intend to keep my ass in the gym as much as possible. With the light weights, daily is very easily done and won’t over do anything. Seriously, biceps for example, preacher curl with 20lbs, dbell with up to 25 max. Similar for triceps. I’m just using these very light weights, with controlled, slow high reps, in additoin to treadmill time of 10 or more minutes. I’ll add to that, but I hate treadmills so it’ll take a while to get past the mental block.
Anyway, I just did turn 54 on 11/9, and other than the rotator cuff, I feel outstanding. Matter of fact, if it were not for that, I feel well enough to go all out on the big three. Common sense and logical reasoning say to avoid injurty that’s a bad idea.
Add to this that I’m doing TRT with Test-cyp at 200mg/week, & arimidex. I have low vitamin D and low iron I’m working on, trying to.
I eat meat, take D2+D3, so I’m doing whtat I know to do, and what my dr said to correct these. And, these are pretty much the only things I have that are out of whack thank God.
Given no surgery is required, it is my opinion I should be able to rehab this and keep lifting, and get through this crap in a matter of 3 mos or less. If so, I ought to be on the way to a solid routine by April, and that would suit me very well.
An aside: I am a fourth degree knight of columbus, just won a raffle for a uniform (they’re pricey), so I’ll be wanting to look my best in it. Tall, chest and shoulders swole, etc. posture. I want to present myself like the soldier I am. It has been 33 years since I wore Air Force blue,…it will take a minute!
Comments on anything are always welcome!
Ya all take care!