Amphetamines: Clen & Ephedrine

Is Clenbuterol or epehedrine (bronchaide) considered an amphetamine?

A decent dose of Ephedrine will make you feel like you’ve done a mild dose of ‘crank’ (not that I’ve tried it :wink: I always thought Ephedrine was in the ‘amphetamines family’. Just goes to show-every day’s a school day!

I know ephedrine can cause false positives for amphetamines, and I know methamphetamine is made from Sudafed, or actual ephedrine…so I thought it was in the amphetamine family too.

Amphetamine is a molecular structure classification, beta agonist is a classification based on the effect the drug has. Clen is a beta agonist that isn’t an ampetamine, ephedrine is an amphetamine that’s also a beta agonist. It’s like all squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares. All aphetamines are beta agonists (or at least 99%).

So, both you and BBB are correct. MDMA is also in the amphetamine class and is a beta agonist (and psychadellic). Ritalin is a beta agonist that isn’t an amphetamine.

Amphetamine really refers to one drug. Technically the name of the molecular classification is “subsitituted amphetamine.” I think that’s where the confusion comes from.