[quote]Sifu wrote:
Im Yolked wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
You guys haven’t heard the whole tale – the libs in Britain give EVERYTHING to immigrants and tax the living shit out of the locals to pay for it all. If you had to provide all kinds of goodies to people from other countries, you’d resent it too. And then when those immigrants spit on your soldiers just back from Iraq or the Afghan…
Free healthcare, welfare benefits, and a subsidized flat…so immigrants can compete for your jobs and spend your tax dollars.
Things are so desperate there, the BNP will soon be a major player. Those immigrants would be wise to return to their shitholes.
The thing is, most successful people who own or run businesses here don’t give a shit about where you’re from as long as you get the job done.
Not if the employer is an “ethnic” who has the same attitude as you about the lazy, stupid, thieving white Brits.
Now Polish and south asians, understand what’s it’s like living in poverty, they come here in search of a better life, in the same way britons who move to america and australia do. The things is they just happen to be very skilled and hard working too. While on the other hand natives in from many low socio-economic areas are not.
Instead of investing in skilled trades and college education programs for kids from working class families, the government just brings in skilled foreigners so the kids end up on the dole and the government has an excuse to hit their parents with higher taxes to pay for it.
This is why Britain is going down the shitter. The government is not filling gaps in the job market by developing home grown talent. Because that would mean empowerment for those people instead of having them be dependents.
It is a wicked form of social engineering. It is like Hitler in reverse. Hitler wanted to make the Germans into a superior people who were above everybody. Labour wants to make the British people into an inferior race who are beneath everybody.
Check out the statistics. “Free healthcare, welfare benefits, and a subsidized flat”… Those one the dole just happen to be primarily british of caucasian decent. Like those in the video. They don’t have an amitious bone their bodies and harrass and criticise immigrants who do.
The social housing rules are those who are most in need go to the front of the line. That is why a large family of immigrants who just got off of the boat and have no one they can stay with because they have no family in Britain will get a large multiroon house in a wealthy part of town right away. While a young pregnant couple who are sleeping on Mum and Dads or brother and sisters couch can’t even get a single room council flat on a crime infested estate.
Ambition and motivation has been socially engineered out of people by the welfare state rules which encourage idleness and punish work. My grandparents grew up before the welfare state and they worked bloody hard for what they had. If they didn’t work they would have starved to death along with their family. All the indigenous British have that history.
Who cares if they’re white and british??? They live a life of petty crime and contribute NOTHING to Britain whatsoever and of course all this is at the tax payers expense. They are nothing but a burden on society.
So it is ridiculous how you can sit there and criticize immigrant, without criticizing the idle, native scroungers first.
So the British are untermensch and a burden upon Britain.
Now while I understand that some deprived areas within the UK could do with cultural enrichment programmes to encourage further integration , you must understand that a lot of negative publicity is merely daily mail sensationalism and scaremongering used to further promote right-wing propaganda. And nothing more. Most immigrant are normal people who just want to work and get on with their lives.
So your position is those horrible British need diversity training to teach them to like having multiculturalism forced down their throats in the form of mass immigration and to enjoy being disenfranchised from representation in THEIR government through gerrymandering.
As for the BNP. You don’t live here so you probably didn’t watch griffin make a complete ass of himself on national TV a few days ago. Which if anything gave the BNP and their fascism nothing except negative publicity. They won’t be in power anytime soon, if ever.
So you think us stupid Yanks can’t get the internet over here and we don’t know how to use youtube. If you think that we didn’t see slimey Jack Straw talk in circles and have to be repeatedly asked to answer the question has Labour immigration policy led rise of the BNP you are very much mistaken. If anyone made a complete ass out of themselves it is Straw.
A lot can happen between now and May. While there is not that could happen that would go against the BNP there is a lot that can go in it’s favor. What is happening now is the result of decades of mismanagement and deliberate lies and deciet by various Labour and Tory governments. So don’t be surprised if the next election sees the first BNP MP’s. [/quote]
Sifu. the welfare state was brought in during the 40s, since the 80s what is covered by the welfare state has been steadily scaled back. Obviously this was started by the Tories under Thatcher but it has been continued by Labour. Of course if you actually knew anything about the UK you would be aware of this.
There are still some terrible loopholes in the system but it is improving (admittedly not fast enough.)