[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
One of the worst assaults was on the institution of thw family, through the fetishization of individualism and the rise of “if it feels good, do it” social libertinism. The order once established by the family and the social network that it was a part of had to be replaced with something. Enter the welfare state.
Why don’t you just call it freedom? Is your solution to have the government decide what is good? And control anyone who does something they deem as not feeling good?
Social libertarianism sounds like letting people make their own choices to me. Your going down the road that leads to the soda tax. Why let people make their own decisions? [/quote]
I tend to agree with social libertarianism in theory; however, there are instances (poor health choices for example) where individual choice effects the collective and in so doing effects other peoples ability to make individual choices.
As a more moderate conservative (best way to describe me I suppose) I think there’s a balance that needs to be struck between the two and it is lacking at the moment (favors the collective to much in some ways and favors the individual to much in some ways).
My .02 cents anyway.
Edit: To clarify, In general I’d say the balance is tipped towards the collective. [/quote]
I’m much more inclined to think we may need some government involvement in the fiscal sector than I am in the social sector. Who defines poor health choices anyways? If we listen to the government our high protein intake and eating lots of eggs could be classified as poor health choices in the past decades or so. You can’t have a free country if you don’t let individuals make their own decisions.
Edit: Moved to thread for T-bolt and yes this was getting this one off topic.
Ya, I agree that’s true, but at the same time the individuals choice to drink 5 pepsi’s a day while washing down a Chik Fil A breakfast, Burger King lunch, and McDonald’s dinner costs everyone money in various ways.
Like, I said, I feel there just needs to be a better balancing act between the two. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on you point of view, society is intertwined more so now than ever before. The day has long past where, generally, you can live in a manor you so chose and it not affect anyone else. At what point do we say that your choices are affecting my choice too much?
And, no, I’m not for a soda tax. I don’t think that’s a solution.