AMA Diet thread

This thread is loosely inspired by the “ask a physio” thread, but @QuadQueen can chime in about the science stuff, and I’ll be collaberating from a culinary perspective about diet plans, nutrition, weird questions related to food, encouragement, or random dumb stuff - as long as you can eat it.


In this recipe

How exactly are the potatoes steamed? Are they saying to microwave in a plastic bag?

(sorry, not diet related, but I’m considering potato options for a menu I’m planning)

In your opinion, what is the healthiest diet for an avid gym enthusiast?

So some people have been dismissive of cucumbers.

Ginger, parsley, kale, celery, apples, and cucumbers. You can chop them up the night before.

Juice them then run the pulp through a second time. Save the pulp on a sheet tray and put it in your dehydrator. The juice is tasty for about 24 hours.

Use your handy-dandy dehydrator to dry out the pulp, run it through a grinder, and you have your own green powder.

I have heard mysterious tales of a product called “Superfood” that might replace this.

Don’t forget your sides to cucumber juice.


Food science! I think they are actually steaming it in a plastic bag. The British have no taste buds anyway, so that’s not an issue. Water boils at 212 f (Fahrenheit is better than Celsius, I’ll fight people on this,) but steam can get way hotter, so you can create a higher-temperature cooking environment that way. You can sous vide potatoes in a bag, but it can’t pass 212 f.

Microwaving agitates the water molecules in the potatoes so it creates hot and cool points depending on a slew of issues, leading to the half-burnt/half raw phenomenon. So for a brick-shaped preparation, steaming is a controllable external heating method that allows the pressing, freezing, and deep-frying in the later steps. A moist cooking method allows the product to adhere together, while a dry cooking method is better to break stuff apart.

If you’re worried about microplastics, line a pan with parchment paper, top it with another layer of paper, then weigh it down with another pan while it cooks.

Also, potatoes are fucking weird the more you learn about them.

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This is QuadQueen territory, but I’m going to say “Sane vegetarian, but add meat to every meal.”



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My pick would be a “Paleoesque” diet - lots of non-starchy veggies, carbs from more nutrient dense sources (fruits, starchy veggies, oats, etc.), healthy fats, and lean proteins.

So yeah,

Pretty much this.

I’ve worked with professional, Olympic and collegiate athletes as well as lots of “gym bros” and this approach hasn’t failed yet!

@Brant_Drake I LOVE this thread and I am here for it!!!



I didn’t know you could microwave a plastic bag.

Perfect, this is what I was looking for

You ever looked into The Vertical Diet? I got the initial tip from @flipcollar and found my way over to this as a baseline for my current diet. Like, that’s exactly how I eat but with macros applied.


I wouldn’t recommend it for potatoes like that unless you want carbohydrate shrapnel everywhere.

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@Brant_Drake @TrainForPain

Behave yourselves - this:

With a tin of tuna dumped in is high class, meat head nutrition, the height of British cuisine. I’ll not hear a bad word said about our food!


I threw up a little.

Although I did used to eat a can of tuna mixed into a packet of microwave instant grits.


I see your pot noodle and will raise you orange chips:

How can anyone accuse a people who started to batter chips (or fries as I believe our yank friends say) of not having taste buds


I know it’s outrageous and we’ve got some world class famous chefs like this guy:

Famous for creating snail porridge.

And this guy:

Famous for… swearing a lot.



Is there anything tinned tuna doesn’t work with?!

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Or this one:

Whose famous for owning a football club and offering out a load of fans on a mic


This book is great, if you guys ever get sick of your beans on toast nonsense.


He was actually really laid back and super nice when I met him. Needs to cut back on the tanning though.

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That moment was quite amazing…