i am 31 years old and alittle over weight, i am currently dieting very well, it's more of my old muscle building diet, my questions are can i still develop muscle like someone in there 20's? will it take ma a whole lot longer now that im older?
now a supplement question, i took est methyl vol before and felt like it got me huge, i read an article where they banned this due to legal issues yet it is still available, will i fail a drug test if i take it? any info. is appreciated
Fuck no your not to old! I think you know the answer to your own questions. While your growth potential may not be as optimized as someone 10 years younger than you there is still potential to grow. Will it take longer, probably, but does it really make a difference? A pound or an ounce is still a personal achievement. Thats as deep as I can go with my knowledge pool, hope I did some good.
Bro to old?? no more excuses just go bust ass. Im 30 just did my first strongman and plan many more and better. Just get in put in the hard work and eating and get it done do what iot takes
I started lifting at age 31 and so far have gained over 50 pounds in less than nine months. Could I have done better if I started at 16 or 21? Maybe, maybe not.
[quote]Horazio wrote:
DSmolken wrote:
have gained over 50 pounds in less than nine months.
50 pounds in less than 9 months ? Isn’t that too much ? I mean, it’s more than one pound per week…[/quote]
Maybe. It’s obviously not all muscle but fortunately I store fat pretty evenly all over my body and I was pretty lean to start with so I’m still a long way from needing a mirror to see my penis.
I turn 45 this year and ain’t nobody gonna tell me I can’t be stronger than I was when I was 20. Oh, wait. I already am. OK. TWICE as strong as when I was 20…
Maybe some people are old before their time but I struggle to think of a single reason why you can’t make progress. Consider that top bodybuilders don’t really peak until their mid-thirties and continue to make progress well into their forties. Settling for being middle-age and mediocre at a young age is the curse of western civilisation. I suggest you make a start.
In all seriousness, I made better gains as I got older, hopefully wiser, and definitely smarter. I didn’t have that young pup-stupid ego making me want everyone else in the gym to stop and stare and be amazed at how much I was ‘moving’ (I say moving, not lifting).
Your hormone levels may not be what they were 10 years ago, but if you’re just starting, there’s that new stimulus response that you can totally take advantage of if you know what you’re doing before actually going to work (I’m 34, and let me tell you how much I love TRIBEX and a small amount of creatine for aided recover -lol)
TOO OLD??? @ 31? That’s insane… yeah right. Dude I am 33 and I work out six days a week. I’m in a sport that is usually done by kids less than half my age. lol This is a lesson in the classic idea that most of the limits we have are self imposed
I thought you were going to be 76 as in your moniker ‘stewart76’!
31 is fine, and you can develop muscles like a man in his twenties. You’re lucky to have noticed now - if you were 41 you’d still be able to make great gains, but now you’ve got in 10 years ahead of that, so think positive instead of making excuses just because you’re not a primed 21 year old any more. Go for it!
Who cares if it takes longer…time will go by either way, you mind as well get stronger. I am 30 now and I feel better now than I ever have. Do I wish I would have started lifting in my teens or early 20s? Of course, but that’s not an excuse to not lift now.
There is actually data out there that some people don’t start packing on the lbs of muscle until the mid 20’s and up. Basically its a result of there body finally stops growing up and can build muscle on their frame. Hence why some younger people need 7,000cals a day to see any progress.
So yea man go bust your ass in the gym! Hell man there is a 70 year old at my gym that still lifts. (granted I think he always wears a lifting belt to keep him upright)
To be honest testoterone peaks around 30. Now after this peak it doesn’t just fall to 0 in step fashion. You have plenty of room for growth, recovery maybe a little differt
[quote]skidmark wrote:
I turn 45 this year and ain’t nobody gonna tell me I can’t be stronger than I was when I was 20. Oh, wait. I already am. OK. TWICE as strong as when I was 20…[/quote]
Only people who get into a car crash at 22 reach their strength potential at 20.
The MINIMUM age for reaching one’s athletic potential is probably 25. The max is likely 45.
A 20 year old is a kid. Even a genetically-blessed 20 year old is still a kid. They can’t stand up against full grown adult males with decades of training experience.