Am I an Asshole?

Yes. I am.

9 months…364 pages. I call BS…no Ranger has that kind of attention span.

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j/k. honestly it depends on HOW BIG of a d-bag this guy is.

who hasnt done this? I’m doing it currently on facebook with some random dude lol

I am a dude lololol


Pics/ tits or i don’t believe.

[quote]Magnar wrote:
A while ago I was really bored and decided to fuck with this douchebag I know. I made a fake online profile of some chick and contacted said douche. Needless to say it was very entertaining to mess with such a tool, especially after he really got into this “chick”. This may sound unreal, but this continued for 9 months. 9 months of online chatting, no-show dates, and NO PHONE CONVERSATIONS. It was just too easy easy to mess with this guy.

To top it off, I even had the “girl” meet the real me and my friends out one night, which really pissed the guy off. Eventually it ended when he moved out of town, but I did get a good last laugh in when “she” gave him the local rejection hotline number. I have saved and printed all the conversations between this guy and the “girl”. It amounted to 364 pages of online conversations. Some friends say I should send it to him, others say I should try and sell it as a book.

Any thoughts? Am I an asshole?[/quote]

Back when I played online FPS games (quake), there was this one guy who pretended to be a girl for YEARS.

However, he didn’t do it because he was “messing with some douchebags”, he was doing it for the attention. I think it even went as far as cybersex. Eventually he was caught, he was a real sad lonley dude.

9 months is kind of a long time bro…

Wow. What happened to using your time to try and… uh… get laid?

wow hey cool story bro.



^ Is the guy it happened to

I’m not convinced the other guy is the douchebag.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
^ Is the guy it happened to[/quote]


^^ True story is, OP got screwed because I made a fake facebook with a picture of a douchebag… I’m his ex, and I wanted him to waste 364 pages of his life away. I made his friends convince him to publish a book, and later I will publicly humiliate his ass by revealing my real identity.

Anyway, Magnar… You have problems. You let a “tool douchebag” get under your skin, and it doesn’t even sound like he did anything to you directly. You laughed at a screen while you were messing with someone - sick. Maybe once or twice, it could be understood because you are immature, but you’re freaking passive aggressive. You started it. Ok. You should’ve stopped. “Some friends” egged you on? I don’t care, they’re equally immature. Your real question is should you send it to him or publish a book about you being a dick? What do you want us to say? Good job, brah, for messing with a tool. You da man!!111!

lot of time on your hands thats for sure

Your seat in Hell sir, right net to the log of despair…

I can’t speak on the other guy but you, OP, sound pretty sad and may want to invest in a life. Like FightinIrish26 suggested, you may also want to get laid. For Christ sakes, even just rub one out. You may be marginally less twat-like.

In summary, yes, you are an asshole.

Yes you are an asshole. I didn’t read your post though. What is this tread about?

thats alot of time and effort to spend messing with someone…