Do 5/3/1 Hardgainer Program. I’m on it right now and enjoy it a lot. I use to do 5x5 programs, but got bored/burned out. 5/3/1 is a nice program to take up after something like 5x5.
Are you using creatine? Might help you get in more reps and feel less burnt out when you workout. I know when I’m using it it helps a great deal.
You are both wrong. The exact moment you stop being a beginner, a huge gust of wind sweeps you away to Wichita Falls where Rippetoe and his SS Munchkins bathe you in single malt whiskey and teach you the secrets of the Texas Method. All this while the munchkins break out in song and dance. In the evenings, Rippetoe serenades you with “The Tennessee Waltz” on his 90s karaoke machine.
He’s a better singer than Colm Wilkinson.
You then tap your feet together 3 times to return home to your horribly mundane life and spread his teachings on the internet.