This isn’t really the same program, but it’s the first 8 weeks of a 30 weeks plan I use with Crossfit athletes. Those first 8 weeks are more general, they aren’t really “Crossfit”… the goal is to build strength, power and work capacity and will provide nice physique changes.
Snatch 70% 6 x 2 (45 sec of rest between sets)
Clean & jerk 6 x 2 (45 sec of rest between sets)
Back squat 5 x 3 @ 80%
Zercher squat 4 x 8
Complex 1 (3 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Rowing ergometer 500m all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Front squat 60% x 8-10
Bench press 5 x 3 @ 80%
Close-grip bench press 4 x 8
Dips (add weight if possible) 4 x 8
JM press 4 x 8
Airdyne bike 30 minutes
Power snatch work up to 3RM
Power clean work up to 3RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 3 @ 80%
Russian goodmorning 4 x 8
Farmerâ??s walk 3 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Rope climb 10 total climbs for time
Pull-ups/pronated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 10
Pull-ups/supinated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 10
Pull-ups/neutral grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 10
Bent over barbell row/torso parallel to floor 3 x 10
Row 3000m
Handstand push-ups strict 25 total reps for time
Push press 5 x 3 @ 80%
Behind the neck press 4 x 8
Overhead barbell walk 3 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Complex 1 (3 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Zercher carry max distance in 2 minutes
1.2 Push press 50% x 8-10
Snatch 70% 8 x 2 (40 sec of rest between sets)
Clean & jerk 8 x 2 (40 sec of rest between sets)
Back squat 5 x 4 @ 80%
Zercher squat 2 x 6 (heavier), 2 x 10 (lighter)
Complex 1 (4 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Rowing ergometer 500m all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Front squat 60% x 8-10
Bench press 5 x 4 @ 80%
Close-grip bench press 2 x 6 (heavier), 2 x 10 (lighter)
Dips (add weight if possible) 2 x 6 (heavier), 2 x 10 (lighter)
JM press 2 x 6 (heavier), 2 x 10 (lighter)
Airdyne bike 30 minutes
Power snatch work up to 2RM
Power clean work up to 2RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 4 @ 80%
Russian goodmorning 2 x 6 (heavier), 2 x 10 (lighter)4 x 8
Farmerâ??s walk 3 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Bar muscle-ups 20 total reps for time
Pull-ups/pronated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 8
Pull-ups/supinated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 8
Pull-ups/neutral grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 8
Bent over barbell row/torso parallel to floor 2 x 6 (heavier), 2 x 10 (lighter)
Row 3000m
Handstand push-ups strict 30 total reps for time
Push press 5 x 4 @ 80%
Behind the neck press 2 x 6 (heavier), 2 x 10 (lighter)
Overhead barbell walk 3 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Complex 1 (4 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Zercher carry max distance in 2 minutes
1.2 Push press 50% x 8-10
Snatch 70% 10 x 2 (35 sec of rest between sets)
Clean & jerk 10 x 2 (35 sec of rest between sets)
Back squat 5 x 5 @ 80%
Zercher squat 4 x 6
Complex 1 (4 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Rowing ergometer 500m all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Front squat 60% x 8-10
Bench press 5 x 5 @ 80%
Close-grip bench press 4 x 6
Dips (add weight if possible) 4 x 6
JM press 4 x 6
Airdyne bike 30 minutes
Power snatch work up to 1RM
Power clean work up to 1RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 5 @ 80%
Russian goodmorning 4 x 6
Farmerâ??s walk 4 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Bar muscle-ups 20 total reps for time
Pull-ups/pronated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 6
Pull-ups/supinated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 6
Pull-ups/neutral grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 6
Bent over barbell row/torso parallel to floor 4 x 6
Row 3000m
Handstand push-ups strict 35 total reps for time
Push press 5 x 5 @ 80%
Behind the neck press 4 x 6
Overhead barbell walk 4 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Complex 1 (4 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Zercher carry max distance in 2 minutes
1.2 Push press 50% x 8-10
Snatch 70% 12 x 2 (35 sec of rest between sets)
Clean & jerk 12 x 2 (35 sec of rest between sets)
Back squat 5 x 6 @ 80%
Complex 1 (4 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Rowing ergometer 500m all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Front squat 60% x 8-10
Bench press 5 x 6 @ 80%
Dips (add weight if possible) 3 x 4
Close-grip bench 3 x 4
Airdyne bike 30 minutes
Power snatch 4 x 3 @ 80% of last week 1RM
Power clean 4 x 3 @ 80% of last week 1RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 6 @ 80%
Russian goodmorning 4 x 6
Farmerâ??s walk 3 x 150 meters as heavy as possible
Ring muscle-ups 20 total reps for time
Pull-ups/pronated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 4
Pull-ups/supinated grip strict (add weight if possible) 3 x 4
Bent over barbell row/torso parallel to floor 3 x 4
Row 3000m
Handstand push-ups strict 40 total reps for time
Push press 5 x 6 @ 80%
Overhead barbell walk 4 x 150 meters as heavy as possible
Complex 1 (4 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Zercher carry max distance in 2 minutes
1.2 Push press 50% x 8-10
Snatch 6 x 2 @ 75% (60 seconds of rest)
Clean & jerk 6 x 2 @ 75% (60 sec of rest)
Back squat 5 x 3 @ 85%
Zombie squat 4 x 6
Zercher walking lunges 4 x 6/leg
Power jerk work up to 3RM
Bench press 5 x 3 @ 85%
Floor press 4 x 6
Complex 1 (4 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Airdyne bike 60 seconds all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Thruster 60% x 8-10
Snatch from hang work up to 3RM
Clean from hang work up to 3RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 3 @ 85%
Russian goodmormorning 4 x 6
Farmerâ??s walk 3 x 80 meters as heavy as possible
Strict pull-ups pronated 30 total reps for time
Bar muscle-up 30 total reps for time
Kipping pull-ups 30 total reps for time
Loaded carries medley (do the medley 4 times 60 seconds between stations)
1.1 Farmerâ??s walk 100 meters as heavy as possible
1.2 Overhead barbell walk 100 meters as heavy as possible
1.3 Zercher walk 100 meters as heavy as possible
Push press 5 x 3 @ 85%
Behind the neck push press 4 x 6
Seated DB press press neutral grip 4 x 6
Snatch 8 x 2 @ 75% (50 seconds of rest)
Clean & jerk 8 x 2 @ 75% (50 sec of rest)
Back squat 5 x 4 @ 85%
Zombie squat 2 x 4 (heavier), 2 x 8 (lighter)
Zercher walking lunges 4 x 6/leg
Power jerk work up to 2RM
Bench press 5 x 4 @ 85%
Floor press 2 x 4 (heavier), 2 x 8 (lighter)
Complex 1 (5 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Airdyne bike 60 seconds all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Thruster 60% x 8-10
Snatch from hang work up to 2RM
Clean from hang work up to 2RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 4 @ 85%
Russian goodmormorning 2 x 4 (heavier), 2 x 8 (lighter)
Farmerâ??s walk 4 x 80 meters as heavy as possible
Strict pull-ups pronated 30 total reps for time
Bar muscle-up 30 total reps for time
Kipping pull-ups 30 total reps for time
Loaded carries medley (do the medley 5 times 60 seconds between stations)
1.1 Farmerâ??s walk 100 meters as heavy as possible
1.2 Overhead barbell walk 100 meters as heavy as possible
1.3 Zercher walk 100 meters as heavy as possible
Push press 5 x 4 @ 85%
Behind the neck push press 2 x 4 (heavier), 2 x 8 (lighter)
Seated DB press press neutral grip 2 x 4 (heavier), 2 x 8 (lighter)
Snatch 10 x 2 @ 75% (45 seconds of rest)
Clean & jerk 10 x 2 @ 75% (45 sec of rest)
Back squat 5 x 5 @ 85%
Zombie squat 4 x 4
Zercher walking lunges 4 x 6/leg
Power jerk work up to 1RM
Bench press 5 x 5 @ 85%
Floor press 4 x 4
Complex 1 (5 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Airdyne bike 60 seconds all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Thruster 60% x 8-10
Snatch from hang work up to 1RM
Clean from hang work up to 1RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 5 @ 85%
Russian goodmorning 4 x 4
Farmerâ??s walk 4 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Strict pull-ups pronated 30 total reps for time
Bar muscle-up 30 total reps for time
Kipping pull-ups 30 total reps for time
Loaded carries medley (do the medley 4 times 60 seconds between stations)
1.1 Farmerâ??s walk 120 meters as heavy as possible
1.2 Overhead barbell walk 120 meters as heavy as possible
1.3 Zercher walk 120 meters as heavy as possible
Push press 5 x 5 @ 85%
Behind the neck push press 4 x 4
Seated DB press press neutral grip 4 x 4
Snatch 12 x 2 @ 75% (40 seconds of rest)
Clean & jerk 12 x 2 @ 75% (40 sec of rest)
Back squat 5 x 6 @ 85%
Zombie squat 2 x 2
Power jerk 4 x 3 @ 80% of previous week 1RM
Bench press 5 x 6 @ 85%
Complex 1 (3 sets, 15 sec of rest after 1.1, 3 minutes between sets)
1.1 Airdyne bike 90 seconds all-out (fastest pace possible)
1.2 Thruster 60% x 8-10
Snatch from hang 4 x 3 @ 80% of previous week 1RM
Clean from hang 4 x 3 @ 80% of previous week 1RM
Zercher deadlift 5 x 6 @ 85%
Russian goodmorning 4 x 4
Farmerâ??s walk 4 x 100 meters as heavy as possible
Strict pull-ups pronated 30 total reps for time
Bar muscle-up 30 total reps for time
Kipping pull-ups 30 total reps for time
Loaded carries medley (do the medley 2 times 60 seconds between stations)
1.1 Farmerâ??s walk 140 meters as heavy as possible
1.2 Overhead barbell walk 140 meters as heavy as possible
1.3 Zercher walk 140 meters as heavy as possible
Push press 5 x 6 @ 85%
Behind the neck push press 2 x 2