Hey im 18 and im looking into Alpha Male right now previously i was looking into activate xtreme and STOKED
But from what i have read it looks like Alpha Male is better and safer
i have a very good diet and routine iv been lifting for about 5 years and id say 4 seriosly
all i have ever used so far is protien multi fish oil and creatine and iv been looking into a natural testosterone booster a lot and want to try one
Alpha Male it seems looks like the right one for me as i have heard of none to very few sides and good results from it
what do you guys think? what it seems to me is that as far as natural test boosters at my age will either give me good results, no effects at all, or cause some extra acne and libido
if you feel that i am taking more of a risk than that by using this supplement please tell me
my main goal is strength do you think Alpha Male will help?
i feel i have achieved a lot at my age 18 with a bench of 305 or 310 squat about 400 and dead 400 at a high of 5 foot 9 and weight of 175-180
i want to try a test booster to take my gains even further
You don’t need a test booster to get stronger. Use it if you want, it’s not going to hurt you. If it was me, I’d be finding a better way to spend fifty bucks though.
[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:
you don’t need a test booster to get stronger. Use it if you want, it’s not going to hurt you. If it was me, I’d be finding a better way to spend fifty bucks though.[/quote]
thank you i was really trying to make sure a test booster wouldnt hurt me
everyone always say dont waste your money on a test booster but from what i have seen of reviews and ppl i no personally it seems that teens do indeed get great results from test boosters
one of my friends is using novdex xt its more of an AI but he literally went from 260 to 300 bench in a month it seems impossible i no but it happened and then another one of my friends used a test booster and went up around 20 or 30 pounds in bench in a month as well and i have seen a lot of logs of ppl betweent eh ages of 18 and 20 where they get great results
Lol, sounds like you made up yer mind already.
Why ask people who may “KNOW” more than you (thats why yer askin right?)for advise then afterward seem like yer sayin hey thanks for the info but I think I’ll do it anyway…
[quote]bbh90 wrote:
i want to try a test booster to take my gains even further
I just had a conversion with my buddy about testosterone, and the first thing we agreed on is that none of us knew much about it? How does one even get tested for testosterone? Would a physician be able to do that work, or perhaps a nutritionist? How high is my number? What is an average T number? what is the highest possible?
My friend mentioned some study he briefly skimmed along time ago that seemed somewhat ironic. “Some long time lifters have T levels below average.”
Point being, find out more information.
If you really want your gains to go even further? Email Lou Simmons…lol
But thats another topic altogether.
[quote]Steve8867 wrote:
Lol, sounds like you made up yer mind already.
Why ask people who may “KNOW” more than you (thats why yer askin right?)for advise then afterward seem like yer sayin hey thanks for the info but I think I’ll do it anyway…
Your choice bub .[/quote]
im sorry if i did that i guess in a way my decision is already made up i really just want to make sure im not hurting myself by doing this
iv been considering this for quite a while and i value your information iv probably been colecting information on this for 3 months now on natural test boosters
i just want to find something effective and safe as long as its safe then whats the worst that happens i waste 50 bucks and never buy a test booster for at least 3 or 4 years if it works great i get results and my reaserch was worth it
[quote]bbh90 wrote:
one of my friends is using novdex xt its more of an AI but he literally went from 260 to 300 bench in a month it seems impossible i no but it happened and then another one of my friends used a test booster and went up around 20 or 30 pounds in bench in a month as well and i have seen a lot of logs of ppl betweent eh ages of 18 and 20 where they get great results
Thats very good results, but there are a lot of other things I’d look at before saying it’s the nolva
muscle memory
new training
more eating
come to mind
There’s no danger in using a t-booster from Biotest. Let me qualify that by saying there are no dangers THAT AREN’T WRITTEN ABOUT ON THE LABEL. Take it how it says to take it. And make sure you’re eating enough to make use of it.
Placebo–I see a lot of kids get magically stronger when they start a supp thinking its gonna make them stronger. They just started actually pushing it in reality.
Placebo–I see a lot of kids get magically stronger when they start a supp thinking its gonna make them stronger. They just started actually pushing it in reality.[/quote]
And eating properly. If you’re paying fifty bucks for less than a months worth of a supplement, you’re going to be paying attention to your eating and training so you don’t end up wasting it. That also gets results.